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498T with A8 comparared to Custom 8

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  • #16
    Re: 498T with A8 comparared to Custom 8

    I never got the 498T hate, either. I think it's a great pup. Bright, yes, but shrill? Thin? Not imho. It's still got a decent low end that's somewhat accentuated by the mid scoop. My flavor of the month is A2 in it, but that doesn't mean I won't end up going back once I get tired of the mid hump...whenever that is.

    Agreed on the pairing with the 490T, however, if one actually USES the guitar's tone controls (assuming they're separate) it's not so bad.


    • #17
      Re: 498T with A8 comparared to Custom 8

      Originally posted by formula73 View Post
      I never got the 498T hate, either. I think it's a great pup. Bright, yes, but shrill? Thin? Not imho. It's still got a decent low end that's somewhat accentuated by the mid scoop. My flavor of the month is A2 in it, but that doesn't mean I won't end up going back once I get tired of the mid hump...whenever that is.
      I tried an A2 498T in an SG, and even with 500K pots, the A2 took away too much of the treble and bite. Just too rounded for my style. I got a sharper, more cutting high-end using an A8 and 250K's, which also tightened up the bottom and still kept a good dose of mids.
      "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
      "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
      "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


      • #18
        Re: 498T with A8 comparared to Custom 8

        Originally posted by blueman335 View Post
        Ford Mustangs?
        or Ford Mustangs...


        • #19
          Re: 498T with A8 comparared to Custom 8

          Originally posted by blueman335 View Post
          I tried an A2 498T in an SG, and even with 500K pots, the A2 took away too much of the treble and bite. Just too rounded for my style. I got a sharper, more cutting high-end using an A8 and 250K's, which also tightened up the bottom and still kept a good dose of mids.
          To each his own. I like that smooth middy bridge tone...for the moment.


          • #20
            Re: 498T with A8 comparared to Custom 8

            So I finally got around to putting an A8 498T in my tweaker SG. I'm not quite sure how to feel about it. While I was in there I put in 500k pots, and my stock SG still has the 300ks, so the 498T with the A8 does seem to have more high end (easily tamed by the tone pot), but it's also tighter. The cleans are also not as open and loose sounding as the regular 498T. Overall, I think I prefer it stock. The A8 just seemed to make it a bit more modern sounding and sucked out a bit of the mojo.

            I also dug out my old Epi Elitist with the 60ST in the bridge and that thing just kills them both, but definitely comes in a bit closer to the stock 498T.

            Anyway, I think the A8 498T is coming out and I'm going to go back to the regular Custom or C8.


            • #21
              Re: 498T with A8 comparared to Custom 8

              The 498t is a little gritty and brash. That is why I love it in my SG. It reminds me of so many famous recordings with THAT Gibson tone. Because it is a little gritty and brash though, I would think that the A8 magnet would be exactly the wrong choice for it. Maybe UOA5 if you want to tame it a bit. I haven't tried either though. I don't have a spare 498t that isn't in an SG doing its thing.


              • #22
                Re: 498T with A8 comparared to Custom 8

                Originally posted by mremic01 View Post
                So I finally got around to putting an A8 498T in my tweaker SG. I'm not quite sure how to feel about it. While I was in there I put in 500k pots, and my stock SG still has the 300ks, so the 498T with the A8 does seem to have more high end (easily tamed by the tone pot), but it's also tighter. The cleans are also not as open and loose sounding as the regular 498T. Overall, I think I prefer it stock. The A8 just seemed to make it a bit more modern sounding and sucked out a bit of the mojo.

                I also dug out my old Epi Elitist with the 60ST in the bridge and that thing just kills them both, but definitely comes in a bit closer to the stock 498T.

                Anyway, I think the A8 498T is coming out and I'm going to go back to the regular Custom or C8.
                You need to EQ for the new p'up. From the description, it sounds like you were expecting to sound "the same but better", when in reality it sounds different. Also, did you find the new "sweet spot"? Different magnet, different "sweet spot". From the description, it doesn't sound like it.



                • #23
                  Re: 498T with A8 comparared to Custom 8

                  I certainly tweaked some knobs on my amp and adjusted the pickup height if that's what you mean. It needed to be a bit higher than stock to get some lows back, the tone knob needed to be on 7 or 8 to get some of the treble dialed out, and no amp's EQ is ever going to completely change its inherent tonal character. I mean, I didn't hate it, but it kind of felt like my experience with it was the opposite of what the 498T gets criticized for. The A8 seems stiffer and harsher, while the stock A5 seems to work very well.

