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For those who like to experiment with moded & hybrid pickups

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  • For those who like to experiment with moded & hybrid pickups

    I did some experiment last weeks with my pickups. Some gave good result, some not.

    First: SH-13 magnet swap.
    -I love the SH-13 design, but i found this pickup lacking of Mids (1000-1500HZ)
    What i did is swaping the ceramic magnet for a Dimarzio AL5 magnet.
    The result is awesome, Less gain (a little bit) And a lot of mids added.
    For me the best sound for a violent thrash metal play, on my rig, it gave me a LAMB OF GOD like sound, exactly what i was aiming to.
    Just notice that you have to cut (and it's really not easy) 4 mm of the magnet because the stock SH-13 magnet is shorter than the PAF PRO one's.
    Also the PAF PRO is thiner than the SH-13 magnet so i filled the gap beetween the magnet and the stainless steel blade with a 0.34 Daddario stainless steel string.

    Really for those who love high gain pickups with a good amount of middle, it's a thing to try. I would never exchange that custom pickup for anything.

    Second test: i tryed to do the same with an SH-13 in the neck, not bad, but i found my SH-4 better. trying to switch back magnet I unfotunately killed the north coil.

    As i had nothing to loose anymore, i tryed to save the south coil.
    As I had in stock an old EMG-SA1, i made an SH-13/EMG-SA1 Hybride.
    It was hard, as the SH-13 coils are not made to be mounted on usual steel plates of conventional pickups, but te resule is impressive.

    I used the north coil of EMG + South coil of SH-13, mounted on the EMG steel plate and the sh-13 stock magnet.

    I'm using this pickup in neck position.

    The result? Amazing clean with a tons of bass, a good presence. The sound is really deap and warm used with coils in series.
    With paralleled coils, the eq is more flat, close to an SH-6 (bridge) placed in neck position at 3/4 of max volume.

    Probabily the best Clean neck sound i had the chance to have.

    It look like this when finished:

    Not really suited for high gain whit coils in series, it's good when coils are paralleled. It's also good for crunch, but with an high amount of distortion, there a a bit too much bass.

    Anyway, I almost never use the neck position with hig gain... so now my guitar is mounter with SH-13 AL5 moded in the bridge, A Dimarzio Cruiser in middle and this EMG/SH-13 hybrid in the neck.

    The best config i had until now.

    That was not to show off, just sharing some sucessful experiments in case of someone would try it.

    Notice that it's really risky to try the EMG/SH-13 Hybrid, The SH-13 magnet size perfectly feet for an EMG SA-1 (adjustable coil)/SH-13 hybrid, but you have to cut the SH-13 solder on the coil and solder those incredible thiny wires on the EMG mountong suface.

    Sorry for weird english but it's not my mother language. Just want to share those things as the result is really good, a kind of "thank you" to all modder on this forum that inspired me in my rig experiments.

  • #2
    Re: For those who like to experiment with moded & hybrid pickups

    Cool review and welcome!
    I'd love to hear the Dimebucker with an A8 or UOA5.

    (too bad you can't fit an A8 into an EMG 81 !)


    • #3
      Re: For those who like to experiment with moded & hybrid pickups

      I've always been interested in a high output pickup with lots of mids. What would you say is the EQ curve of a Dimebucker with the A5? I've also really been wanting to try a Custom Custom for the longest time.


      • #4
        Re: For those who like to experiment with moded & hybrid pickups

        For the SH*13 With AL5:

        It decrease a little bit the gain, not much but enought to get a little something in dynamique behavior that sound better.

        Treble seems to be decreased a bit.
        Mids are relly more rich.
        Bass seems to remain the same in volume, but less muddy.

        The stock dimebucker is 6/5/8 according seymour description.

        If i had to describe it, i'd say:
        6 for bass
        3 For low mids
        6 for hig mids
        8 for treble.

        Now if i had to describe an AL5 dimebucker i would say:

        5-6 For bass
        6 For lows mids
        7 For high mids
        6-7 for treble

        I installed it on my luthier Jackson DK-2 like guitars with mapple neck/ ebony fretboard / Alder body with flammed mapple table.

        Now i have no idea at all what it would produce on an other guitar.

        This mod seems to remove the mid scoop of the SH-13.

        I love High gain sound, as i mainly play modern Thrash metal, like gojira/lamb of god, and this mode gave me a perfect tone to get a fat distorded sound, but a nice piercing thru the mix sound. Whit the stock magnet, i alway had an issue to get nice lead tone for solos, When i was engaging my solo tone on my custom amp, My sound was a little to bit muddy and trebbly oriented, and whatever i was doing, I wasn't able to go "in front of the mix".
        Now on rythm sound I'm not behind, I'm just in the middle of the mix, just between my bass player and the other lead guitar, and when i add +3 DB on my amplifier, I just move enought in front of the mix to be perfectly heard, but not with the piercing high freq i had with the stock magnet.

        It's hard to describe it well, but the sound is less harsh, more mids oriented less scooped.

        With V30/CL80 speaker mix in my cab, it's a perfect tone for solos, but you still can get the fat sound on rythm.


        • #5
          Re: For those who like to experiment with moded & hybrid pickups

          Wow, that sounds like the EQ curve I've been looking for and the output, so I definitely have to try the A5 Dimebucker.


          • #6
            Re: For those who like to experiment with moded & hybrid pickups

            I wanna know what a Dime8 sounds like......

