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P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

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  • P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

    Hey all

    I have purchased a set of p rail and wondering if the regular bridge one work well on a floydrose guitar, my guitar is a hsh 5 way switch guitar , would any recommand me a nice middle pickup?

    On the other hand, I wish to have the normal humbucker , rail and p 90 by 2 push pull switch, is it feasible? I will be grateful if u could provide the wiring diagram too.

    Thank you all

  • #2
    Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

    For your P-Rails, what you need is to implement the following using a couple of DPDT on/on or pull/push switches:
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    • #3
      Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

      So Can I still apply the same graph on with five way selector?
      Thank you?

      By the way, which model of pickup match well in the middle?


      • #4
        Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

        Not the complete graph, just the part related to both pull/pushes is what you need to combine those two P-rails.
        For middle pickup, probably the SSL-1 or similar.
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        • #5
          Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

          THank you

          so can If I use this graph for this graph, can I still have the sound of position 2 and 4?


          • #6
            Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

            Originally posted by zombiesam View Post
            THank you

            so can If I use this graph for this graph, can I still have the sound of position 2 and 4?
            Despite of the two pull/push switches that just select which coils are active in both p-rails at same time, you can wire the rest of guitar as if you just had 3 single coils. Get each pickup output from those two pull/pushes and solder them to their corresponding position in the 5-way switch.

            Your switch should look like this

            B C
            M B
            N M
            C N

            C= common or pole
            B = lug for bridge position
            M = lug for middle position
            N = lug for neck position

            Depending on what do you have, if a single volume control or dedicated volume controls, you need to change a bit the design but, if you have the typical single volume control, and two tones, I would do:

            LEFT SIDE PULL/PUSH:
            Jumper from upper right lug (neck positive) to Left N on 5-way
            Jumper from upper left lug (bridge positive) to Left B on 5-way
            MIDDLE PICKUP:
            Positive of middle pickup to Left M on 5-way

            But, If you have two volumes,
            throw the jumpers to Left N and Left B, from the output of their corresponding volume controls, instead of from the upper lugs of the left pull/push.

            and, how many tone controls do you have?....


            you better clarify how many volume / tones do you have
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            • #7
              Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

              Thank you very much for your email, my guitar has 1volume knob and one tone knob. As I don’t have much knowledge of electronic, would it be possible that you provide me a wiring diagram? Still any reference link of the electronic so I can learn more?



              • #8
                Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

                For your readings....

                My blog:
                My Youtube channel:


                • #9
                  Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

                  The wiring diagram:

                  And the link to my blog's entry, for further information:


                  Calculate about 8 hours of hard work.
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                  • #10
                    Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

                    Thanks. Very much for your reply, Ita nice to learn about wiring and thank you so much for your sharing .

                    Btw would a gold or blue lace sensor nice to put in middle , would any of the match Prail?


                    • #11
                      Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

                      Originally posted by zombiesam View Post
                      Thanks. Very much for your reply, Ita nice to learn about wiring and thank you so much for your sharing .

                      Btw would a gold or blue lace sensor nice to put in middle , would any of the match Prail?
                      Tone is in every one so, throw there whatever you feel interesting for your project.
                      Last edited by hermetico; 11-05-2012, 10:52 AM.
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                      • #12
                        Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

                        Hi Hermetio
                        I have pass the guitar and the pickup to install to the guitar Following the graph u you provided ,however my friend just found that the middle pickup does not match any one of the pickup either bridge , he try to swap with with a jbjr still doesn't not help, the thing is the guita work fine with humbucker, however once the bridge pickup is selected for splitting chosing the rail or the p90 mode, it's volume gone down, he suspects that is the problem of the pole of the magnet . Is there anything we can do? Thank you


                        • #13
                          Re: P rail wiring diagram and recommendation

                          Originally posted by zombiesam View Post
                          Hi Hermetio
                          I have pass the guitar and the pickup to install to the guitar Following the graph u you provided ,however my friend just found that the middle pickup does not match any one of the pickup either bridge , he try to swap with with a jbjr still doesn't not help, the thing is the guita work fine with humbucker, however once the bridge pickup is selected for splitting chosing the rail or the p90 mode, it's volume gone down, he suspects that is the problem of the pole of the magnet . Is there anything we can do? Thank you
                          One common mistake of lot of people is to not take attention on how the 5-way switch is mounted on the pickguard. Those switches AREN'T REVERSIBLE so, be sure, you have it mounted as drawn.
                          Be sure where the commons are. If you accidentally flip the switch unexpected results can happen.
                          Also, take into account that whatever other ground wire not represented here (bridge, shielding) should be soldered together with the rest of grounds (inverted triangles).

                          And, BTW, what do you mean that the middle pickup doesn't match?.
                          Not sounding?... did you wire it to the same row of the 5-way switch or, alone in the other side (wrong)?
                          Drop of volume sounds to a bad ground. Please review your soldering spots, be shure they look neat and shine and not dull or opaque.
                          Be sure there is no naked wires than can accidentally touch other lug if bended.
                          Be sure the lugs of your cap are isolated, with some heat shrink tube or electrical isolant tape...
                          In short... carefully review your wiring. Print a copy of this diagram and mark with some marker each wire and soldering spot that you already checked.
                          Last edited by hermetico; 11-14-2012, 10:45 AM.
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