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The Agony and the Exctacy...

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  • The Agony and the Exctacy...

    any of you know where I'm comin form.
    You get a new pickup in the mail Youve done a lot of preliminary research. Hours probably.
    On paper, it specs out to just what will be perfect in the guitar. All the reviews point in the right driection of what your miserable guitar ahs been lacking forever.
    You've even tried sveral other pickups , at a not inconsequentil cost, but NOW?, youve got it licked.
    Your so sure this is the RIGHT pickup, you install it with the whoel nine yards, soldering, tape, everything. You plug it itn..OH Yaeh ...

    Oh No......Bust.

    Can I get a witness?back to the old drawing board. More time. More money. Oh yeah..Oh no.
    "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra

  • #2
    Re: The Agony and the Exctacy...

    fck with tunings and pickup heights until you can handle it, and then lay waste to those strings
    you can still make the mission worthwhile
    all is not lost
    i believe in you jerry


    • #3
      Re: The Agony and the Exctacy...

      Sometimes just slapping in a new pup IS the answer. Sometimes it CAN BE the answer. Meaning that with the proper tweaks to all of your settings, amp included, it can be the dream that you hoped for.

      You'll find that even the "right" pup sounds wrong without the "right" amp settings.
      Originally Posted by IanBallard
      Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


      • #4
        Re: The Agony and the Exctacy...

        Hey, you're preaching to the choir. My least favorite part is the re-wiring and re-stringing and re-tuning... only to find something's wrong. Never mind whether the new pickup floats your boat!

