I have replaced Neck and Middle PU in my OLP MM4 (MM Silhouette Style) with Kinman AV/N69 and now I'm searching a good matching humbucker for the bridge. Compared to the Kinmans the humcancellation of the stock bridge humbucker ist awful. It also sounds a little bit thin.
So i need a full and bright sounding humbucker (too much treble can be compensated with the tone pot, muddy mids can't) which suits well to the mid pickup in switch-position 2 (impedance 5,9K)
I am thinking about a Pearly Gates.
Does anybody here use Kinman "SingleCoils" with SD Humbuckers?
So i need a full and bright sounding humbucker (too much treble can be compensated with the tone pot, muddy mids can't) which suits well to the mid pickup in switch-position 2 (impedance 5,9K)
I am thinking about a Pearly Gates.
Does anybody here use Kinman "SingleCoils" with SD Humbuckers?