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NPD x 2

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  • NPD x 2

    Just ordered a Breed set for my new strat. I just got a new black w/rosewood Fender American strat so it seemed like a cool idea to order a set of red Breeds and a red pearloid pickguard. I think with dark fretboard wood and a black body, the red pickguard and pickups will look kind of sinister. I originally intended to get a PAF Pro set but figured a PAF Pro in the bridge of an alder body would be a bit too bright. I wanted the PAF Pro sound but a little smoother so I opted for the Breed. I thought about getting a PAF Pro for the neck because I can't remember if I liked the Breed neck or not, but I went ahead with the Breed. Honestly, now that I think about it, it has been so long that I used a Breed that I can't remember what I thought about it. I just remember it being a fat, sweet PAF type sound with a lot of mid range cut.

    In another one of my strats, I have a Little 59 neck which I HATE, so I ordered a Chopper to replace it. It will be paired with a PATB-1 bridge. If the PATB-1 doesn't agree with the Chopper, then I'll probably replace it with a Mo Joe or Norton. That would cut down my Duncan collection to just a CC/Jazz set. I'm just not finding the right combinations I'm looking for in the Duncan line these days. Even though the Custom Custom is a great pickup, I sometimes wish I could add a little low end without taking anything away from it. The Jazz is my favorite neck pickup from the Duncan line, but it barely meets my output requirements and can be a little bland at times. I know the Duncan custom shop is the way to go but $60 for a Dimarzio always sways me.

    I heard the Warren DeMartini pickup is like a Custom Custom with more bass and low mids. I never used one but I'd consider it if that was true. However, that would leave me back in the same predicament with the neck pickup options. Pretty much, the Jazz is the only Duncan neck pickup that I really care for.

    And boy, the prices of other brands are way up thee. Rio Grande, Bare Knuckles, etc... are super expensive. I got all three Dimarzios new with the pickguard for just about $200. Even Duncan's aren't that cheap new. If the wait time wasn't so long, I'd consider one of those custom wound guys like Zhangbuckers or that other one that I can't remember the name of. Maybe it was High Order or something.

  • #2
    Re: NPD x 2

    Have you ever tried the full shred neck? It has a bit more sparkle than the jazz.


    • #3
      Re: NPD x 2

      Originally posted by UberMetalDood View Post
      I originally intended to get a PAF Pro set but figured a PAF Pro in the bridge of an alder body would be a bit too bright. I wanted the PAF Pro sound but a little smoother so I opted for the Breed.
      Good call. I tried a PAF Pro in the bridge of my strat (because DMZ says it can be used as a bridge pickup too), and while it had GOBS of 80s metal tone, it was just way too bright. Maybe I should've used a 250k pot instead of a 500k. Oh ended up finding a home in the neck pos. of my ibanez.


      • #4
        Re: NPD x 2

        Originally posted by RayBarbeeMusic View Post
        Have you ever tried the full shred neck? It has a bit more sparkle than the jazz.
        Yes of course. I've also swapped UOA5, polished and unpolished A2 as well. The Full Shred is a nice pickup but it's not as good as a PAF Pro.

        Originally posted by ConvoysToNothingness View Post
        Good call. I tried a PAF Pro in the bridge of my strat (because DMZ says it can be used as a bridge pickup too), and while it had GOBS of 80s metal tone, it was just way too bright. Maybe I should've used a 250k pot instead of a 500k. Oh ended up finding a home in the neck pos. of my ibanez.
        I had one with a 250k pot and it wasn't ear piercing bright, but still brighter than I wanted. I used one in the bridge of a mahogany PRS and it was awesome and not too bright at all.

