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Mag swap prediction

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  • Mag swap prediction

    Hi, Steve again,
    Been ordered 1 week serious bed rest. As I have said I liked the A5 in the SETH L. Your advice, Thanks again. Was about to set up a JB-SH4, when I was struck(too long a story)into incapacity. I would very much like any prediction about trying the A2 magnet (A5 went to S.LOVER) in my now vacant JB-4. No other mods.
    Less highs I bet. How about overall volume? Less distortion with volume rolled back? As ever, this is a bridge set up in my S.G. as my comparison guitar. Will put my other A5 JB-4 in likewise guitar to hear for myself, but must wait a week, and like many guitarists, my curiosity is strong.
    And no, I don't have to wear diapers, cleared for bathroom, meals, and reading, only. No lifting guitars, sitting and working over them on my self maid condo work bench, etc.
    To Bluman335, read you had a great and lengthy thread on magnets, sounded like a master class, searched ,can't find it, so if you see this, or someone else knows, where can I find this thread. I am assuming this post about you is true, as there is no reason to make this up.
    Usual thanks in advance.
    Steven John B.

  • #2
    Re: Mag swap prediction

    The JB2 doesn't have much low end and is smooth on the high end, it's a real lead guitar/80's sound. I liked it a lot for dark, downtuned, loose & sludgy stuff (think Eyehategod), thick like molasses for that, lead sound is where it really shines though, sooo good.

    I wouldn't guess an SG will be the best spot for it though, unfortunately. I'm thinking the best homes would be a LPC or a maple board super strat, with 500K pots.


    • #3
      Re: Mag swap prediction

      To King Izzo)))), and all,
      Now that's a name! Glad you mentioned that. My favorite lead bridge pickup will go into my old Les Paul Black Beauty, Fretless Wonder 60ish maple top, ebony neck, mahogany body when all is done. Thanks to these forums, I am getting close to finalizing which pup goes where. I have 2 JB-4's, 1 of them will go into the Les Paul and and the other JB-4 (trembucker) will go into a Warmouth (sp?) type chambered Alder body, almost back from finishing(white), And I have all my own electrical parts, and rosewood neck from a different strat. A2 mag in one, A5 mag in the other. Your input please!
      I have 2 SETH L.'s, 1 with the A2 mag, and 1 with the A5 mag, 1 will go in either my S.G. 61 R.I. and the other in a Les Paul Jr. type all mahogany rosewood neck guitar. The mahogany body's thickness and weight is equal to the S.G. Your input here also, please!
      I use 500k pot's for everything, and bypass all bridge pup's straight to output, no tone pot in the mix at all for bridges. So those 4 will be my final guitars for a long, long time. Make that a long, long, long, time.
      Much thanks,


      • #4
        Re: Mag swap prediction

        A2's are great in JBN's ('JB2'). Takes off th excessive high en and fills out the mids. Very different PU, much improved for my uses.

        I like Seth's stock, but in my Ant's have an UOA5 in the bridge an and A5 in the neck, so get ome much needed treble.
        "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
        "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
        "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."

