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Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

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  • Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

    I ordered magnets from addiction-fx today. For Blues / Southern Rock - Alder / Maple / Hardtail Strat. I'd like plenty of mids / low mids, moderately tight but not huge bass and plenty of highs but no ice picks. Which magnet would you start with? I'm thinking the Alnico 8 might be too modern sounding but have not tried it with this wind. I'm starting with a C5.

    Last edited by MultiCaster; 01-14-2013, 01:27 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

    I think it sounds pretty modern, but with a hint of classic sensibility. The modern-ness comes from the A8's characteristics - tight lows, big beefy low-mids, and smooth highs. The classic-ness comes from the Custom wind itself, which can sound very PAF-y, but has more output than a PAF. Despite the high output of the A8, it still retains a lot of Alnico soul/warmth, so there's that too.

    C8 makes a great and surprisingly versatile pickup for hard rock and similar genres. It cleans up nicer than a ceramic Custom, IMO. You can definitely use it for more rockin' forms of blues, but if you're going for authentic PAF tones, then there are other pickups/magnets you might want to use instead.

    CC is also good...think overwound, hot, chewy PAF. good for EVH-esque tones.

    Haven't tried the custom with UOA5, but blueman says it's a good deal more vintage sounding than the A8.

    I think the most PAF-like I've ever heard the Custom wind is with an A4. It's not super high output, and it's not deficient in any part of the EQ, so it's balanced sounding, and gives the wind itself room to breathe instead of slamming it with a high-strength magnetic field like the Ceramic or A8 do. But even with the A4, it's a bit more modern sounding, courtesy of the wind.


    • #3
      Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

      C8's are modern-sounding, but versatile enough for a variety of genres, with their warmth, full mids, and a nice tones when clean. But C8's don't have the rich texture and dynamics of A2's and UOA5's.

      Start with the stock C5 and see what you think. It's not really vintage sounding. The A5 gives it a good amount of bass and a sharp high-end. If you need more or less of some qualities, look at the magnets that offer those. CC's tend to work very well in Strats, so an A2 may be the ticket.
      "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
      "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
      "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


      • #4
        Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

        Would you rather go with RC or polished A2? I should have either of those plus RC-UOA5 and A4


        • #5
          Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

          Originally posted by MultiCaster View Post
          Would you rather go with RC or polished A2? I should have either of those plus RC-UOA5 and A4
          I prefer RC for the bridge slot, takes out any harshness. Between the magnets you have, one should do the job.
          "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
          "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
          "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


          • #6
            Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

            To my ear, I think the C8 has a tiny bit of vintage "sag". Thats what I call it.. Has most all the character of the Custom. But adds alittle vintage sag and warmth and character
            Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

            Jol Dantzig


            • #7
              Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

              The C8 can sound modern mostly because of the mids. The UOA5 was wat I had in before I switched to A8 and before the UOA5 it was a CC. They all had their strong and weak points. I like the A8 and UOA5 custom and depending on what im playing would decide which mag I might want. For me I like the A8 because of the versatility and it has the best clean tone ive heard in a bridge pup. The UOA5 was good to but hated using it clean. Has a scooped sound to not very scooped but subtle very classic rock like very open and dynamic with a lil compressed ness. The A8 has loads of mids and more output which makes it sound modern but can still pull off other sound with the right player and rig. I will say its not as dynamic as the UOA5 but still has good dynamics. The Custom A8 matches the PGn with a Polised A3 very well. Although I have a Super Strat with a floyd and big brass block and the sustain block really is the core of my tone.
              Originally posted by KBliss
              WELCOME TO THE FORUM! Make sure you spend more time playing than you do on this forum. That's our sickness.
              Originally posted by trevorus
              The revolutionaries become the bureaucrats the day after the revolution is over...


              • #8
                Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

                Originally posted by Rockstar216 View Post
                The C8 can sound modern mostly because of the mids. The UOA5 was wat I had in before I switched to A8 and before the UOA5 it was a CC. They all had their strong and weak points. I like the A8 and UOA5 custom and depending on what im playing would decide which mag I might want. For me I like the A8 because of the versatility and it has the best clean tone ive heard in a bridge pup. The UOA5 was good to but hated using it clean. Has a scooped sound to not very scooped but subtle very classic rock like very open and dynamic with a lil compressed ness. The A8 has loads of mids and more output which makes it sound modern but can still pull off other sound with the right player and rig. I will say its not as dynamic as the UOA5 but still has good dynamics. The Custom A8 matches the PGn with a Polised A3 very well. Although I have a Super Strat with a floyd and big brass block and the sustain block really is the core of my tone.
                How did the CC compare in your C8 and CUOA5 experiences? I am starting with a stock PGn obviously for the neck position, but ordered A3 and A4 for later, if needed.
                Last edited by MultiCaster; 01-14-2013, 05:36 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

                  Originally posted by MultiCaster View Post
                  How did the CC compare in your C8 and CUOA5 experiences? I am starting with a stock PGn obviously for the neck position, but ordered A3 and A4 for later, if needed.
                  CC's are pretty warm in mahogany, especially LP's. They usually do best in bright woods. The second warmest Custom is the UO C5, pretty close to a CC, but with a little more treble and a little less mids. Both have that vintage 'sag.' C8's have a lot of mids, and a tighter low end than either the CC or UO C5. Because it's high output, C8's are a little stiffer-sounding, more in-your-face. That works for some players, but doesn't for others. A C8 and PGN ought to work well together for a variety of genres.
                  "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
                  "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
                  "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


                  • #10
                    Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

                    Originally posted by MultiCaster View Post
                    How did the CC compare in your C8 and CUOA5 experiences? I am starting with a stock PGn obviously for the neck position, but ordered A3 and A4 for later, if needed.
                    For me the CC was ok. Not a lot of bottom end but the top end was smooth and round and cut very well mids were very present not as much as the C8 but more then the UOA5. Between the CC and CUOA5 it just depends on what type of sound and tone and response you want. The CC is loose and spongey with round warm highs with enough mids to cut or get a real good crunch dont expect much bass. The CUOA5 has a tighter bigger bottom more highs and scooped a lil in the mids I think this has the best vintage sound of the customs. If I was doing classic rock or anything in the Van Halen era and used the bridge to mostly solo and do lead work Id use the CC if I needed a good rhythm tone from the bridge id use the CUOA5 cause its more open and has a beautiful crunch.
                    Originally posted by KBliss
                    WELCOME TO THE FORUM! Make sure you spend more time playing than you do on this forum. That's our sickness.
                    Originally posted by trevorus
                    The revolutionaries become the bureaucrats the day after the revolution is over...


                    • #11
                      Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

                      might depend on your idea of modern.

                      I play high-gain rock and heavy rock and get perfectly good tones from UOA5 and the CC. yet I find the C8 to be prone to give me ear fatigue. yet the C5 was a waste of my time, no matter that it added-up and looked good on paper.


                      • #12
                        Re: Does the C8 sound more "modern" compared to CRC-UOA5 and CC?

                        Thanks for the replies, it helps a good bit. I think I'll start with UOA5.
                        Last edited by MultiCaster; 01-15-2013, 10:55 AM.

