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Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

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  • Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

    Hello everyone
    I have a nice ibanez AM73 (semi hollow maple body - mahogany neck - rosewood fingerboard) that i would change pickups and electronics.
    I play different musical genres: classic rock, modern rock, stoner, indie... (but the inspiration for my ideal sound comes from the "it might get loud" trio: Jimmy Page, Jack White, The Edge)
    So i need versatile pickup for clean with delay and modulation or crunchy tube overdrive or magmatic distortion of big muff and many other combinations.
    To increase the versatility i would like to mount 2 on/on/on switch for series/parallel/split of pickup coil and 2 push/push pot for series/parallel and phase of the two pickups.
    What pickups do you recommend?

    Thanks and sorry for my english

  • #2
    Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

    Why would you want a push/push pot for series/parallel if you are already going to have a on/on/on switch for series/parallel/split?

    There are a lot of good pups that would work for you since you will have options of series/parallel/split. The first that comes to mind is the Custom5.
    Originally Posted by IanBallard
    Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


    • #3
      Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

      the on/on/on switch is for the pickup coil, the push/push for neck and bridge pickups in the middle position of the selector switch.
      i have a les paul with alnico 2 pro set and page wiring that is very awesome but i would use different pickup.
      I thought the combinations JAZZ Neck /JB Bridge and 59 Neck / CUSTOM 5 Bridge.
      how they would sound in my guitar?


      • #4
        Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

        Originally posted by firticchio View Post
        the on/on/on switch is for the pickup coil, the push/push for neck and bridge pickups in the middle position of the selector switch.
        Oh, I got ya.

        The 59n in the neck of your guitar may be a little "boomy" in the bass. The Jazz or Screamin Demon may be a better choice. Custom5 should be good in the bridge. If the C5 sounds boomy at all, it is easy to fix with an A4 or A3 magnet swap.
        Originally Posted by IanBallard
        Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


        • #5
          Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

          than i should prefer the jazz to 59.
          and as regards the jb?


          • #6
            Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

            I have 2 AM73s. I have a set of Wilde (Bill Lawrence) L-90s in one. The other has a set of alnico 3 Gibson 57 Classics. I highly recommend the L-90s. I use a 4h/6h set. Very versatile and clear pickups. No mud. But they still have a good amount of warmth.


            • #7
              Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

              the bill lawrence pickups are very difficult to find in my country. the seymour duncan pickup are in every guitart shop.
              So i need advice for sd pickups. thanks for the info.


              • #8
                Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

                You have to order Wilde pickups directly from their website. They are made by the real Bill Lawrence.

                Bill Lawrence USA is another company that is building pickups based on Bill's old designs. They are separate companies. I support Bill Lawrence (the man). I don't support Bill Lawrence USA.


                • #9
                  Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

                  I listened a samples and l90 are nice pickup.
                  But remaining in seymour duncan which pickup I could use?
                  Jazz/JB? as 59 and Custom 5 are too dark for my semi hollow...
                  I did a "blind test" with the seymour duncan samples of all pickup and the pickups that I liked more are JAZZ in the neck and JB in the bridge.
                  The JB might be too powerful for my guitar?
                  Or what other pickups?


                  • #10
                    Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

                    Are Dimarzio pickups available? The 36th Anniversary PAF is great. I'm also a fan of Duncan Seth Lovers.


                    • #11
                      Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

                      my favourite guitar shop sells seymour duncan and he could make me a good price.
                      So I ask for advice about the seymour duncan.
                      in the neck i'm oriented to the JAZZ
                      in the bridge i'm oriented to the JB but i don't know if is too powerful for my semi hollow guitar.
                      help me please...


                      • #12
                        Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

                        If I choose the JB, it is useful to mount a push/push for switching the volume pot of the JB in to 250K/500K?
                        Many guitars also come with a combination of single coil and humbucker pickups. Running a 500K potentiometer when using singles may make them too sharp and shrill. Sure you can have a couple of volume potentiometers, one for each sort of pickup. But what if you want to keep your control layout simple?
                        Last edited by firticchio; 01-28-2013, 01:05 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

                          The '59s come to mind first, when i think, Ibanez AM73.

                          My 2cents
                          Tele, SG, LP Jr, '76 Ibanez Artist & Tokai LS92 + FUZZ boxes into a '66 AB165 Bassman & 2X12 (55Hz Greenbacks) / '73 Orange OR120 & 2X12 (V30 & SwampThang) / Orange Thunderverb 50 & PPC212 / Marshall Vintage Modern 50 & 2X12 Genz Benz g-Flex / Laney Klipp / Laney AOR Pro Tube 100

                          "'s a tree with a microphone" - Leslie West


                          • #14
                            Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

                            I LOVE the Ibanez Super 58s! Leave them alone, and get a second guitar for your single-coil needs.

                            When you've had budget guitars for a number of years, you may find that your old instrument is holding you back. A quality guitar can inspire you to write great songs, improve your understanding of the Gdim chord while in the Lydian Mode, cure the heartbreak of cystic acne--and help you find true love in the process.


                            • #15
                              Re: Pickups advice for ibanez AM73

                              Originally posted by SirJackdeFuzz View Post
                              The '59s come to mind first, when i think, Ibanez AM73.

                              My 2cents
                              59 in neck and bridge?
                              i like the 59/CUSTOM 5 from the samples, but 59 and Custom 5 are more dark ( always from the samples) than JAZZ and JB which i prefer.
                              but the samples are played whit a les paul, my am73 is a es339 like.

                              p.s. am73 stock pickup is ibanez ach.

