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Upgrade Time

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  • Upgrade Time

    I can't really afford to buy the guitar i would like to, so instead I am wanting to upgrade my squire strat. It is a newer one i believe made in china. I am not sure of the wood, it has a rosewood neck and three single coil pickups. I want to mostly play blues and classic rock with it and maybe use it more for rhythm playing then anything. I would appreciate some feedback on some good pickups or i might just change one at a time because of money?

  • #2
    Upgrade Time

    Squires are still good guitars for the money, and any money spent on pickups isn't wasted since the pick guard with electronics can be later transplanted to another Strat.

    Many people say for the money and budget, GHS pickups are quite good.

    You should start by telling us what type of music you play and what tone you're after


    • #3
      Re: Upgrade Time

      Thanks as i said blues and classic rock mostly and i do want to keep the stat tone. I am looking for a warm tone yet with a bite, i have a hard time describing tone, i guess kind of like a RCP sound.

