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What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

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  • What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

    Greetings experts, I'm a long time lurker, first time post, so please be kind.

    I've decided to drop a set of new humbuckers into my road worn Telecaster 72 deluxe, alder body. The wide-range pickups aren't really my thing. I need something that's more versatile and performs better with high gain from a marshal tube amp. Putting pickups in an alder body scares me.... I'm in unfamiliar territory here.

    I'm originally a les paul fan-boy, but started playing a telecaster recently at gigs mostly because I like the way they feel. My sound doesn't stray too far from hard rock. I don't need the telecaster "twang" ... I don't use the clean channel (no jazz) I don't use a lot of distortion (no metal).

    The hybrid custom/59' looks like the perfect bridge pup for this project. I like the idea of putting in a switch for single coil Clash-type stuff too.

    My question... what neck will BLEND with the hybrid custom/59? I usually blending both bridge / neck humbuckers together to create a broad tone when playing full chords. My neck pickups primary role will be to re-enforce the hybrid bridge.

    I understand the hybrid is already pretty complex, so my neck choices are probably pretty limited. The 59, Jazz (or jazz bridge?), A2P seem like good front runners.

    I'm prepared to do some magnet-swaps if necessary. I'm open to putting a UOA5 or A2 in the hybrid to get it to play nice with the neck.

    Recommendations? Thanks!

  • #2
    Re: What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

    If you want the ultimate, a Jazz/59 neck hybrid. That requires a little work to sort out, so might be out of reach.

    Otherwise a '59 with an A4 or UOA5 might do the trick.


    • #3
      Re: What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

      Those wide rangers aren't standard size hums, they're a tad larger. Might need a new pick guard. If you're interested in keeping the same look, Telenator makes repros of the original wide range hums. Different sound than the reissues. Not cheap though...
      nobody loves me but my mama... and she could be jivin' too.


      • #4
        Re: What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

        Thanks, I was checking out custom pickguards or adapters that would accept standard buckers. Choices of the wide-range pickups are pretty limited, switching to regular pups will expand my options.

        Another reason I wanna switch is to split the bridge, which is why I wanna giving the hybrid a try. My understanding is that wide-range don't split well due to the low output and of asymetrical poles.

        Does 59' neck work ok in alder? Wondering what I can expect compared to a les paul.


        • #5
          Re: What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

          Originally posted by AlexR View Post
          If you want the ultimate, a Jazz/59 neck hybrid.
          This. It is by far the best neck pickup. AND i consider it a complete waste using only one hybrid in a two-pickup guitar. The hybrids have a certain quality that elevates them above regular production models, and the entire guitar can be lifted to something very special with a pair of hybrids. It seems utterly pointless to my thinking to elevate one pickup position to the special qualities of the hybrid and leave the other pickup position with a regular pickup.

          All my humbucker guitars have the Jazz/59 pickup at the neck, and all sound incredible. (they all have hybrid bridge pickups, 59/Customs and Custom/JBs). The Jazz/59 (or 59/Jazz, there's almost no discernable sonic differences regarding which coil is closest to the fretboard or bridge) works superbly for virtually any style of music, i think it depends more on the quality of the guitar, as it picks up the finer qualities if they're present and almost seems to magnify them.

          To me, there is no consideration in neck pickups. If i want an SD neck pickup, it will always automatically be the 59/Jazz hybrid.
          Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)



          • #6
            Re: What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

            I have a Jazz neck paired with the '59/Custom Hybrid in my Fret King Esprit and that gives me a really good range of tones.

            Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it's a plan!


            • #7
              Re: What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

              Agree with Crusty... the 59/Jazz Neck Hybrid is just perfect... Seymour should really release it as a production model...
              GMP Guitars RULE!


              • #8
                Re: What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

                Originally posted by AlexR View Post
                If you want the ultimate, a Jazz/59 neck hybrid. That requires a little work to sort out, so might be out of reach
                How exactly does one get there hands on a jazz/59?

                Not sure if this can be built by any novice handyman. I've only been brave enough to try magnet swaps... I'm nervious about ripping apart and destroying two perfectly good pups.

                Has anyone posted a step-by-step procedure (with photos) on this process? I tried to search, but came up empty. I definately want to visualize what i'm getting into before venturing out on a project like this.


                • #9
                  Re: What neck pickup for hybrid custom / 59' bridge?

                  Originally posted by crusty philtrum View Post
                  This. It is by far the best neck pickup. AND i consider it a complete waste using only one hybrid in a two-pickup guitar ...

                  To me, there is no consideration in neck pickups. If i want an SD neck pickup, it will always automatically be the 59/Jazz hybrid.
                  I see your point about the hybrid being disproportionate from a non-hybrid neck, but is it fair to call it a "complete waste"?

                  Things that intrigue me about the hybrid bridge over normal pickips:

                  -More output than a 59 (or pg, a2p, jazz, ext)
                  -Less output than a custom (or jb, invader, dimebucker, whatever... Definitely not for me)
                  -Louder split coil

                  From what I've read, seems like the perfect pick for a classic PAF tone with some modern bite. I'd hate to eliminate it just because I can't pair it with an equally dynamic neck.

                  Again, my main goal is to mix the hybrid bridge with a neck to find a good blend. Does the jazz/59 mix well with the hybrid bridge? Or does it sound too jumbled with all those different winds running at once?

                  I'm actually ok having a neck with a less-complex tone in comparison when played on it's own, if that's my only option at this point.

                  Thanks for the help!

