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compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

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  • compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

    (yes actives and passives can be blended with a pot if wired right, have personally done it before on bass)

    So anyway, this idea has kept on bugging me, I dunno why, but I want ALL of the above in my les paul: EMG chug, A8 crunch, something inbetween, a single coil, and something to scream.

    And suddenly, it hit me:
    SUPER 70 bridge
    EMG 89 neck
    ****BLEND POT**** mixing Super 70 and EMG 89. obviously wired last in chain, mixing two different signals and sending them to output jack, switched to stereo to accomodate the 89.
    Push-pull 25k active volume for the 89, acting NOT as coil tap but as "bypass" switch sending the EMG 89 signal past the blend pot and straight to jack alone
    Push-pull 500k passive volume for the Super 70, acting as "bypass" switch sending the Super 70 signal past the blend pot and straight to jack alone
    TBX passive tone for the Super 70 (need bass cut, Super 70 can be waaaay to bassy for some amps or pedals)
    three way switch, NOT switching between pickups but switching coil output options for the EMG 89 - making its signal into H(85), HS (85+SA), or S(SA)

    The guitar itself is a (blonde,not baked) maple-fretboard old 1970s Japanese LP Custom knockoff. The Super 70s came stock. And all the pots are buggered anyway, so I'm resoldering it no matter what I do or don't do to it...

    ...AM I CRAZY OR AM I CRAZY?????

    PS might be that part of the compulsion is that the ONLY expenses here would be the blend pot and the TBX, have the rest laying about spare.... while, otherwise, I'd be out 3 passive potentiometers and be doing a whole lot of soldering just to get back lost functionality, nothing more.
    Last edited by Adieu; 03-14-2013, 11:47 AM.
    "New stuff always sucks" -Me

  • #2
    Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

    I never knew it was possible to have active and passive pups in any guitar at the same time and be able to use them both. Wouldn't the output between the two be vastly different?
    Originally posted by KBliss
    WELCOME TO THE FORUM! Make sure you spend more time playing than you do on this forum. That's our sickness.
    Originally posted by trevorus
    The revolutionaries become the bureaucrats the day after the revolution is over...


    • #3
      Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

      Originally posted by Rockstar216 View Post
      I never knew it was possible to have active and passive pups in any guitar at the same time and be able to use them both. Wouldn't the output between the two be vastly different?
      In this guitar I have an EMG81 and a Dmz Super Distortion. So yeah its completely possible and you can use them. But what he wants to do seems like a ton of work for "eh whatever" results

      Click image for larger version

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      "It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you." -Bon Scott

      "Let me put it this way: the 5150 will treat
      you better than any girlfriend, because it screams louder, it's easier to pick up, and it shuts up when you take your plug out." -Rip Glitter


      • #4
        Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

        Is that a ABM katana floyd?
        Originally posted by KBliss
        WELCOME TO THE FORUM! Make sure you spend more time playing than you do on this forum. That's our sickness.
        Originally posted by trevorus
        The revolutionaries become the bureaucrats the day after the revolution is over...


        • #5
          Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

          That's a Kahler.


          • #6
            Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

            Originally posted by formula73 View Post
            That's a Kahler.
            You are right sir +55 internets to you!
            "It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you." -Bon Scott

            "Let me put it this way: the 5150 will treat
            you better than any girlfriend, because it screams louder, it's easier to pick up, and it shuts up when you take your plug out." -Rip Glitter


            • #7
              compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

              Sweet! What can I buy with 55 internets??


              • #8
                Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

                Originally posted by formula73 View Post
                Sweet! What can I buy with 55 internets??
                Ten minutes of gay midget porn
                Custom neck-thru strat
                1989 MIJ 1962 RI Strat
                1995 PRS CE24
                D'avanzo #8
                Breedlove Solo Concert
                1996 USA Dean Baby Z
                1991 40th Anniversary Les Paul
                1968 Fender Bassman, Egnater SW45, Mesa Mark IIB Coliseum, Mesa ElectraDyne 1x12 Combo, Avatar 4x12, Mesa half back 4x12 Earcandy 2x12
                Roland RE-201 Space Echo, 70's Fender Reverb Unit


                • #9
                  compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???



                  • #10
                    Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

                    Originally posted by Rockstar216 View Post
                    I never knew it was possible to have active and passive pups in any guitar at the same time and be able to use them both. Wouldn't the output between the two be vastly different?
                    BLEND knob. Strongly skewed towards the passive for a bit of extra noiseless chuggy kick to a passive tone, or strongly skewed towards the active for a bit of extra passive hardrock bite to an active tone... but yeah, the center position might end up useless-ish. Then again, A8 magswaps and 9V preamps are two different ways of kicking up the signal a lot, so maybe not. The stock guitar with Super 70s had comparable output, slightly less so but in a bridge vs neck kinda way, not in a squier strat vs. esp eclipse sense lol.

                    ...and yes it *IS* possible. Even without the blender and the highoutput humbucker, heck, you could use an EMG 81 and a squier single coil ... but then your 3-position just turns into an either/or switch cuz of the different outputs. The trick is either omitting pots entirely for one of the pups, or stringing them BEFORE the switch/blend knob, to each its corresponding value - 250-500k for passives, 10-50k for actives. No master knobs possible, that'll bugger up one of the two pickups' signals due to massively wrong ohmage value.

                    As to the blend trick, found it tossing a $35 seymour duncan active Pbass pup (used) into a $25 beater indonesian P/J bass... worked just fine, both pups too, and you could actually still utilize the old weak as hell J pickup with the blender to soften up or change the active duncan's tone.
                    "New stuff always sucks" -Me


                    • #11
                      Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

                      BTW, thanks for derailing me

                      I'm waiting on a spare blend pot from my friend tomorrow, other than that and the VERY OPTIONAL fender TBX tone, I got all the parts laying around. The LP Custom's stock pots are all dry and dead after 40 years anyway, so gotta change em one way or the other, and I only use one of my two Super 70s on that axe.

                      As to work, what work? For proof of concept, I'll toss the 89 into the neck, pull ALL the pots and the PCB they're on, stick in a SINGLE blend pot, solder both pups to it and then straight to output jack. Well, yeah, ok I'll need a 9V in there too. That's all... if it sounds cool and useable, in go the rest like the pushpulls etc., otherwise the 89 goes back out, and I'm back to a 2x Super 70 guitar with 4 dead pots and an improvised pups-switch-jack reroute until I can find 4 good matching passive pots for it (SOOO not paying $10 a pop for those).

                      Also, I only got one good-sounding LP and don't have the cash for an Eclipse Standard right now. So even if it ends up like on/off/either/or for the EMG or the Super 70, that's still giving me almost twice the guitar I had before, and in one convenient package... however, I'm seriously hoping it'll behave much like the bass did, yet a whole lot nicer due to the non-EMG pup also being a cool, desirable item. And if that works out, it'll be one helluva unique guitar that can nail anything - authentic classic PAF tones, singing chords, crazy active chugs, screams, single coil sounds, and any mix thereof - to play anything from blues and jazz to hardrock to hairmetal to numetal with the flick of a couple pots.
                      Last edited by Adieu; 03-15-2013, 03:03 AM.
                      "New stuff always sucks" -Me


                      • #12
                        Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

                        ... man, the self-absorbed a$shat who promised me a blend pot did not, on closer examination, know what one was. At all.

                        Just one of those cases of "haha just ask me I have anything worth having, cuz my shop's equipped to the nines and when it comes to being a guitar tech, I'm god's gift to the world" bravado. Dang it. Gonna try to hunt one up locally tomorrow.
                        "New stuff always sucks" -Me


                        • #13
                          Re: compelled to try: Maxon Super 70 + EMG 89 + blend pot???

                          I can attest to the EMG ABC pot for use on guitar.

                          I used it on a Tele with a neck humbucker pickup. It smoothed out the output differences between the neck humbucker & the weaker (much weaker) Tele bridge pickup. The ABC works with both passive & active pickups or a combination of them. As you already have the EMG89 I thought I'd mention this.

                          Hope this info helps.

