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Full Shred

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  • Full Shred

    So talk to me about the Full Shred in mahogany super strat.
    2001 Les Paul Classic (Antiquity Set)
    2005 Les Paul Standard (Aldrich set)
    2019 Washburn N24 (Duncan Custom Shop PATB)

  • #2
    Re: Full Shred

    I've had one in the bridge of a Kramer NightSwan, which is honduran mahogany. and it worked fine. tight and focused, which should not be confused with shrill or thin. next to a JB in the middle slot, the FS in the bridge was not quite as 'full' (or maybe 'big") as that JB, if that helps as a reference. I think the Duncan site's description is pretty good when it says it's not as aggressive as a DD and more articulate than a Custom. it also cleans up nice and works well when split on a clean amp setting. I'd say it has about the same output as the Custom or the CC.


    • #3
      Re: Full Shred

      Originally posted by SFW View Post
      So talk to me about the Full Shred in mahogany super strat.
      i just did this exact thing, 7-string version; an Ibanez S clone with Honduran mahogany body and locking trem (the guitar in my avatar).

      i found the FS very sensitive to pickup height. at first, when i had it high, it was very fat and round, and not cutting at all. then i lowered it way down, and it sounded almost like a Tele bridge pickup--very sharp and trebly and not much mids or lows at all.

      then i found a sweet spot in the middle. it has nice cut, but IMO the mids and the lows are thin or taut, if that word makes sense. they're there, but they're very clear, not thick or dense. palm-muted high-gain stuff on the A and D strings was OK but not as punchy as with my Custom 8.

      i swapped the FS alnico 5 for an alnico 8. that added some thickness to the mids, but it's still not as rich as my Custom 8, and the low end still isn't as punchy. it is nicely clear and articulate, and has better highs and better cut.

      so i would say that if your priority is clarity or cut, try the FS. but if it's thickness or fatness or punchy mids and lower mids, maybe think a Custom 5 instead?


      • #4
        Re: Full Shred

        Originally posted by _actual time_ View Post
        i just did this exact thing, 7-string version; an Ibanez S clone with Honduran mahogany body and locking trem (the guitar in my avatar).

        i found the FS very sensitive to pickup height. at first, when i had it high, it was very fat and round, and not cutting at all. then i lowered it way down, and it sounded almost like a Tele bridge pickup--very sharp and trebly and not much mids or lows at all.

        then i found a sweet spot in the middle. it has nice cut, but IMO the mids and the lows are thin or taut, if that word makes sense. they're there, but they're very clear, not thick or dense. palm-muted high-gain stuff on the A and D strings was OK but not as punchy as with my Custom 8.

        i swapped the FS alnico 5 for an alnico 8. that added some thickness to the mids, but it's still not as rich as my Custom 8, and the low end still isn't as punchy. it is nicely clear and articulate, and has better highs and better cut.

        so i would say that if your priority is clarity or cut, try the FS. but if it's thickness or fatness or punchy mids and lower mids, maybe think a Custom 5 instead?
        Hmmm, very interesting review of the FS you did... This has me curious about this pickup in basswood then, and if I should look at something more along the lines of the Custom 7 bridge & the '59/Custom Hybrid 7 (bridge or neck???) for middle, paired with the 7-string SSL-6 in the neck...

        This is one that is taking a lot of thought, as I'm trying to not have to keep taking the guitar apart and not being able to play it while I'm waiting for the replacement to come in...


        • #5
          Re: Full Shred

          Originally posted by Despised View Post
          Originally posted by _actual time_
          i found the FS very sensitive to pickup height. at first, when i had it high, it was very fat and round, and not cutting at all. then i lowered it way down, and it sounded almost like a Tele bridge pickup--very sharp and trebly and not much mids or lows at all.
          Hmmm, very interesting review of the FS you did... This has me curious about this pickup in basswood then, and if I should look at something more along the lines of the Custom 7 bridge & the '59/Custom Hybrid 7 (bridge or neck???) for middle, paired with the 7-string SSL-6 in the neck...
          my experience with basswood was a long time ago, in RG7620s. i recall those guitars being bright with a JB 7, although it was a bit high toward the strings because the butt ends of the pole screws didn't fit down far enough into the pickup cavity.

          in my mahogany, i'm preferring the low-mids chunk of the Custom 8 to the drier, tighter, more taut low-mids of the FS 8. if my playing was more faster riffing and on the low B, the FS 8 might be the better choice. but for thicker--i love thick mids on high gain sounds, and i play classic rock too--i like the Custom 8 better.


          • #6
            Full Shred

            Well, my FS finally came in. It is extremely sensitive to height adjustments. After playing with the height adjustment screws, I was able to get an extremely balanced tone that works very well with my amp. I was able to adjust the pickup for both warmth and clarity.
            2001 Les Paul Classic (Antiquity Set)
            2005 Les Paul Standard (Aldrich set)
            2019 Washburn N24 (Duncan Custom Shop PATB)


            • #7
              Full Shred

              I like the FS. Have a few of them. Tried the FS8 once and it was a mess. An A4 in the FSn is also a nice option.

              Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk


              • #8
                Re: Full Shred

                I'm seriously considering adding a set of filster screws to the bridge side, a la Demon to see how that sounds.
                2001 Les Paul Classic (Antiquity Set)
                2005 Les Paul Standard (Aldrich set)
                2019 Washburn N24 (Duncan Custom Shop PATB)


                • #9
                  Full Shred

                  Funny, as I was thinking about adding some hex screws to a Jazz coil on a Jazz/'59nA4. Since there has been the discussion of a FS being a Jazz with hex screws, maybe we can test it out.

                  Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk

