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Which set would be better mated with an SSL-6 in the neck position???

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  • Which set would be better mated with an SSL-6 in the neck position???

    I've been trying to find out what would be a good pickup set to get and use in my basswood bodied ESP LTD SC207 Custom with the original H/H/Slant SC configuration, and I've gotten a few interesting combos I wouldn't have thought of or considered... They are as you see listed above:
    * Full Shred 7 set (bridge & neck...)
    * Full Shred 7 bridge & '59/Custom Hybrid 7 (bridge or neck model???) For middle position
    *Custom 7 bridge & '59/Custom Hybrid 7 (again, bridge or neck model???) For middle position

    The last poll option is open for any other suggestions that YOU think would be good, and match well with an SSL-6 in the neck. Humbuckers MUST not only be able to be versatile and dynamic to play anything and everything, but also be just as versatile and dynamic when used in a coil split mode as well...

    So let me know what you guys think and suggest. Would like to try and keep it Duncan, as I'm trying to make my replica a little more authentic to the original, yet still be different and my custom.

    Thanks folks!
    Full Shred 7 Set
    Full Shred 7 bridge & '59/Custom Hybrid 7 (B or N?)
    Custom 7 bridge & '59/Custom Hybrid 7 (B or N?)
    What set YOU think would be better with an SSL-6 neck?

  • #2
    Re: Which set would be better mated with an SSL-6 in the neck position???

    duncan has some new 7 string offerings coming out. what tones are you looking for? clarity, punch, output?


    • #3
      Re: Which set would be better mated with an SSL-6 in the neck position???

      Originally posted by jeremy View Post
      duncan has some new 7 string offerings coming out. what tones are you looking for? clarity, punch, output?
      Clarity and punch mainly. I'm having such the problem with the low B string being muddy, while the normal E-E are excessively bright. It's surprising that I'm getting this with the DiMarzio D-Activator 7 in the bridge, when I've had lots of good results with it in basswood in past years.

      I have a LOT more problem with dark, muddy tone with the middle humbucker and neck single coil - a DiMarzio D-Activator 7 neck in the middle, and Blaze SC in the neck. This is why I'm curious about possibly using 2 different bridge position humbuckers - 1 being more powerful for the actual bridge spot and the other less powerful yet retaining clarity for the middle spot... I'm thinking a regular neck position pickup is just too damn dark for the middle position, and I need a bright single coil for the neck so the mud is kept to a minimum.

      So if I was considering the new models, I'd probably do a Nazgul for the bridge, and Sentient for the middle. But then the question is would the SSL-6 be a good match for these?


      • #4
        Re: Which set would be better mated with an SSL-6 in the neck position???

        So I ask again, since this was left wide open... Would I be better of going with one of the sets listed above? OR, should I consider the Nazgul bridge and Pegasus middle?

        And most importantly, which set would work and be better with an SSL-6???


        • #5
          Re: Which set would be better mated with an SSL-6 in the neck position???

          The SSL6 would be a good mate for a JB, Custom or DD.


          • #6
            Re: Which set would be better mated with an SSL-6 in the neck position???

            Custom Custom
            “The hell with the rules. If it sounds right, then it is.” - Edward Van Halen


            • #7
              Re: Which set would be better mated with an SSL-6 in the neck position???

              Thanks for the replies fellas, but PLEASE keep in mind:
              *That I'm looking to know which SET of pickups would be good to go with the SSL-6 in the neck...
              *If I should get and use a second, medium output bridge humbucker for the middle position to help combat dark, muddy tone...
              *And lastly, that this is for a 7-string!!! So PLEASE give recommendations that are for 7-string models.

              Thanks again, and keep them coming!

