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First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

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  • #31
    Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

    Sure! My bad. They are .022


    • #32
      Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

      If they only get muddy as you turn the volume down, perhaps a treble bleed isin order? Heck, it's like what, a bucks worth of parts?


      • #33
        Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

        If it is not too late, I had that same problem. MJ said try an A5 in th Seth Lover and now I have 5 Seth Lover bridge pick ups in all my guitars. I even had MJ make a custom SL reverse zebra w/A5 mag. It went, I measured from a 7.6 to a 8.3 and the S.Lover screams, and nearly bites my head off in a good way.
        Swapping mags is easy and yes to the 500K pots!!!
        Steve Buffington- I'll probably take som flak for that I don't care. Jazz SH 2 is great for clean high end neck, just sayin'


        • #34
          Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

          Too late, the JB/59 set is already on it's way! But for me, it's not only the difference in sound - I stand by what I've said earlier in this thread, the PG/SL set sounds great in some scenarios - but for me, it's the lack, or perceived lack, of response and dynamics. Too much and too soft compression in higher gain settings, not enough firmness in the bottom, not enough glass-like clarity in the top. I need the response I'm used to, and that's the JB/59 set - even though I dig the SL, especially for softer blues. The PG, while it sounds great for rock soloing, becomes too brittle in the long run for bridge position rhythm work to my ears. I look forward to get my 'oomph' and mids back with the JB, just as I look forward to the flexibility and clarity of the '59.

          I guess vintage A2 PAF-style scenes just aren't that much of a thing for me after all.


          • #35
            Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

            Originally posted by Daka3 View Post

            I guess vintage A2 PAF-style scenes just aren't that much of a thing for me after all.
            But now you know what they sound like through your particular gear, and you may recognize when someone is in a situation that does call for it!

            That right there is some hard won personal knowledge - not able to be gained by just blindly following intarweb advice. For all the benefits there is to getting input from place like this - at some point - the guys who know thgis stuff well have played all this stuff to learn what they like, what they don't, and what each thing sounds like.

            Originally posted by Bad City
            He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


            • #36
              Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

              That's right! There is no substitude for first hand knowledge from your own personal trial and error. The advice from others is a good place to start and is sometimes very necessary, but in the end you need to find out for yourself...tone is too subjective to be totally dependent on others' recommendations.
              Originally Posted by IanBallard
              Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


              • #37
                Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

                I would like to add that I wouldn't rule out not liking a magnet type because of a wind or two. It's all about the combo of the guitar itself, amp, playing style. For example, I wasn't very happy with the A5 PG (aka PG+) but generally like the a2 version. But, for the most part, I gravitate to a5 pickups. So, in other words, the magnet isn't the whole story.
                2007 Strat ('78 bridge, a2 Pro neck)
                1976 Strat (Antiquity 1 set)

                Fender, Mesa, Marshall Amps


                • #38
                  Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

                  Yeah I was gonna say, it sounds more like a problem with the pots than the actual pickups. The seth and pg not known for muddiness at ALL and with proper pots and electronics they shouldn't be, which leads me to believe there is something rotten in the state of Denmark. They're usually very flexible. Let us know what happens with the JB and the 59 after you have them in there, hopefully it will solve the problem.
                  Last edited by Falloffthebonetone; 05-26-2013, 12:47 PM.


                  • #39
                    Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

                    Hi DAKA3,
                    That is what I was addressing. The A5 added all that hi end sparkle and tight low end w/out muddiness. And again, I would go with 500k pots in the volume and tone. I know I just repeated myself, but I don't think I got trough the first time. So I'm out, won't bug you again, I just need to put in my 3 cents, as I already put in my 2 cents. Welcome to forum-these guys are all geniuses.
                    Steve B.


                    • #40
                      Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

                      Just to wrap this one up. I'm very thankful for all of you who took your time to help me out on this one. Simple truth is this: After installing my tried-and-true combo of 59n and JB, I now have my tone back, completely. Loads of punch, tightness and clarity all the way across the volume controls. Dirt adjustable from the volume controls, but without any sort of woolyness or top loss. This combo just works for my style, with my rig and for the way I control my sound on stage.

                      The A2 units - the SLn and PG - sounded great. It's important for me to stress this. Perhaps more organic and complex sounding than the A5 59n and JB, but to spongy and unresponsive for my needs, especially and most importantly when running on rolled-back volume controls. Beautiful pick-ups for the vintage PAF-sound aficionados, though.

                      I've learned some valuable lessons in this proces. The most important is probably this: Pick-ups are as much about feel and response as they are about sound. Thank you again.


                      • #41
                        Re: First post: Advice regarding SL and PG pickups

                        Cool thanks for the follow up. Usually people disappear and we dont get to hear the end.
                        "It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you." -Bon Scott

                        "Let me put it this way: the 5150 will treat
                        you better than any girlfriend, because it screams louder, it's easier to pick up, and it shuts up when you take your plug out." -Rip Glitter

