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SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

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  • SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

    I am using an american strat and want to try a real single coil for lead/bridge. I do not like stacked single coils. Duncan says that their Stk plus is not a "stacked" pickup but can still get a S.C. sound (propriatory) w/out hum. Fine. I also have a SSL-5 that is a true S.C., measures hot.
    This is my 1st try with Duncan s.c,'s. My tries w/fender have, for me, all sucked. 57/62 for mid & neck great. I am a S.Lover/A5 bridge guy and do not expect a humbucker sound, but would still like a s.c. that kicks ass that is not stacked such as a YM Fury. So in the bridge spot, which would you recommend. I tried 2 different searches but came up negative, their must be multiple threads on this, I can't find 'em. I need you to help me on this. Thank you. Please
    Thank you double,
    Steve B.

  • #2
    Re: SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

    The ssl-5 is what Gilmour used. That thing can roar for a strat single coil. It's top end is a little dampened because of the extra winds but it still snaps like a single coil, just a lot more meat behind it. I'm not a fan of stacked/noiseless sc tone either, but for the bridge I'm a little more open minded. I'd say the ssl-5 sounds like what you're looking for: Beefier tone, more suited to lead with sustain and harmonics, can match well with a weaker neck pickup. A step up from that is the quarter pound strat single coil and that's almost p90 territory so I'd say you're right where you need to be. A classic stack plus could work too as it'll be a little hotter than the standard ssl-1 while being noiseless so you can dump more gain on top of it. But inherent with cutting out the noise, you are also cutting out some frequencies you'll only hear with true single coils, noise and all. But I think you'll be happy with either, leaning towards the ssl-5 though.


    • #3
      Re: SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

      If the ssl-5 is the tone you're after then the STK-S6 is a great choice, particularly if you're using extra gain.

      This video is using the STK-S6 for a Gilmour-type tone.


      • #4
        Re: SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

        It depends on the tone you're after. In my experience, if you want a more dynamic sound, a little bit more difficult to handle but more vibey too go for single coil, the SSL5 is killer, if you want a more compressed sound, less lively but easier go for stacked humbucker.
        I do prefer single coil, with single magnet poles even against P90.


        • #5
          Re: SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

          With the Stack Plus, you can get best of both worlds. Use it in Single Coil mode or hum bucking. Eric Johnson is known to use a DMZ HS-2 in single coil mode from time to time.

          I actually slightly prefer all 3 pickups the same. There's a difference in the Bridge + Middle, even with the slightly hotter bridge. With loading of a tone control on the bridge, the icepick is largely gone.

          Kind of ideal is a tapped pickup, with a normal level and a hot output.


          • #6
            Re: SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

            Originally posted by LReese View Post
            There's a difference in the Bridge + Middle, even with the slightly hotter bridge
            True. luckily is the position I hate of my strats


            • #7
              Re: SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

              Hi Folks,
              I want to thank you for your comments. I think from what you said, as I have both the sack plus and the SSL-5 in my possession, I believe I will go SSL-5 bridge, Wire it so the SSL5 is matched w/my fender 57/62 in the neck in the "4" position. Therefore the "3" position will be the neck. With the Stack Plus now in the middle it can still interact with the 57/62 neck in the "2" position. I have done this same setup with my partocaster only with the a S.Lover bridge. With a Hot bridge paired with the low wind single coil neck pickup, I can get a very even sound that works for a beautiful rhythm sound and even works well for a lead sound w/my sparkle drive on a w/a little dirt.
              Thanks again, I can't wait, starting it tomorrow! I bet the stack plus will sound good by itself in the middle spot too!
              Steve B.
              ps-I use the bridge bypassed w/ the tone so the extra loss of highs should be made up a little this way. so I can still get a kind of "woman tone" w/bridge and neck pup w/the tone rolled off.
              Last edited by SJ318; 05-27-2013, 07:20 PM. Reason: further cool sounds with this set up.


              • #8
                Re: SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

                Put the stack in the bridge. You don;t want hum when you play lead with distortion!

                Get a 4-pole, 5-way super switch and you can cut the dummy coil from the stack and connect it to the neck pickup.
                “The hell with the rules. If it sounds right, then it is.” - Edward Van Halen


                • #9
                  Re: SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

                  I will check this out, thanks for the suggestion.
                  Steve B.


                  • #10
                    Re: SSL-5 vs. STK stack plus first time S.Coil Lead pickup user

                    Originally posted by dotsdad View Post
                    Put the stack in the bridge
                    Although, as I said, I prefer the SSL-5 at the bridge, with the configuration you'd like to try, the stacked hb could suit your taste way more

