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Before and After...

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  • Before and After...

    I am still waiting for my neck Custom Shop pickup to arrive.. but I'm going out of town for 2 weeks starting this weekend.. so if it arrives in the meanwhile It will have to wait until I return. I am planning to do a "demo" song with my current pickups and the same song redone with the same settings just with the new SD CS pickups. Just doing some messing around this week I have done a sound test just to check some settings and uploaded it to my soundcloud.

    The clip is just a part of a song/demo (about a minute).. just rhythm, bass, drums, keys.. no lead guitar. It's my main axe (swamp ash Carvin ST300 with OFR).. with DiMarzio Evolution bridge pickup. Going into a Hughes and Kettner Tubemeister in SILENT mode direct (no cabinet was attached)..I took the Red Box output and then ran a Red Wirez Impulse Response on it.

    Here's the link:

    Let me know what you all think.. I would appreciate the feedback. If my ears do NOT deceive me.. then I may end up doing my whole CD using this setup (which will make recording late at night VERY EASY).. and speed up tracking considerably.

    In the meanwhile, i will finish the "demo" with the current pickups when I return.. and then install the CS pickups and then finish the demo then begin my CD> =)

    Rock on guys!

  • #2
    Re: Before and After...

    Let me know when that cd drops. Buying that ****. Killer tone. Goldilocks amount of smooth vintage thickness and modern crunch.


    • #3
      Re: Before and After...

      Thank you kindly =).. can't wait to hear MJ's creations in the guitar.. the bridge pup is supposed to be a bit hotter.. and "thicker" with clarity and harmonics.. I might have to pick a different IR for that pickup..if it gets "too thick" =)

      Originally posted by Falloffthebonetone View Post
      Let me know when that cd drops. Buying that ****. Killer tone. Goldilocks amount of smooth vintage thickness and modern crunch.


      • #4
        Re: Before and After...

        Can't wait to hear it.

