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Wiring Schematic Help needed: HSH, 1 vol, 2 tone, 5 way switch, push/pull

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  • Wiring Schematic Help needed: HSH, 1 vol, 2 tone, 5 way switch, push/pull

    I'm running a HSH with Seymour Jazz bucker/trembucker and an STK-S4 stack as the middle. Is there an easy or quick way to add tone control to the Bridge? My wiring looks very similar to that, specifically the tone control part of the schematic. I would like tone control on all 3 pickups if possible but if I had to I would sacrifice the neck tone control as it's a warm instrument to begin with.

    HSH, 1 volume, 2 tone, 5 way, Push/Pull set-up for single coil splits and looking for tone control options on the bridge pickup. Any help would be greatly appreciated
    Last edited by Snake Aces; 06-07-2013, 09:19 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Wiring Schematic Help needed: HSH, 1 vol, 2 tone, 5 way switch, push/pull

    Looking at your diagram: to get tone controls on just middle and bridge pups (no tone control on neck), just move where the tone pots are connected to the switch...move the wire from the tone pot that is connected to the lug with the middle pup up to the lug that is connected to the bridge pup. Then move the wire from the neck tone pot up to the lug on the switch that is connected to the middle pup. Leave everything else the same.

    You could also wire it so that you have one master tone control that work on all three pups by moving the wire from either tone pot (disconnect the other one completely) to the "common" lug on the switch (the one that goes to the volume pot).
    Originally Posted by IanBallard
    Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


    • #3
      Re: Wiring Schematic Help needed: HSH, 1 vol, 2 tone, 5 way switch, push/pull

      Thanks Doc, I think first I will try it with the middle and bridge pups first and if I still want tone control for the neck I will consider leaving one of the pots as a dummy. This was a big help, thanks again!

