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Fender pickups

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  • #16
    Re: Fender pickups

    Originally posted by Inflames626 View Post
    Since I mainly record, a little noise from singles wouldn't bother me since I'd be playing enough notes to cover the sound. But, yeah, under hot lights or something, I'd be worried about noise. Most aftermarket singles I've tried, while they sounded okay as far as being clean, just didn't sound single coil-ish enough to me. I might as well have been using an EMG 60, SD Jazz, or DiMarzio PAF Pro humbucker in the neck or something, albeit at lower volume due to the singles having less output.
    thats all true. If you want a true single sound you really need a true single. Noise is not a big problem really. Just roll off your volume between songs. The beautiful and inspiring sounds you get from playing true singles outweighs the noise by a long way.
    If you want sweet yet fat vintage strat tones, my preference is a set of ssl-1's over any of the fender custom shop offerings. Chimey like CS54's but fat like fat 50s and more tonally balanced than texas specials.
    "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
    Yehudi Menuhin


    • #17
      Re: Fender pickups

      Originally posted by dotsdad View Post
      The new American Standards (not Deluxe) have Custom Shop Fat 50's pickups.
      Yes, but he keeps saying American Deluxe.

      Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 4 Beta


      • #18
        Re: Fender pickups

        Fender 57/62's as used in their AVRI guitars.
        All the Fender US real singles are great just
        different flavours, hence my preferrance
        for the 57/62 set.
        I would also say that you ought play an original
        AVRI guitar, 57 maple neck or 62 rosewood board
        though same pickups, you will NOT be dissapointed.

        Need to point out I'm talking about AVRI 57/62 Strats.
        Last edited by Will S-T; 06-10-2013, 12:55 AM.


        • #19
          Re: Fender pickups

          I'm a big believer in Duncan's SSL-1 set for a vintage single coil sound!! They're perfect, they really are! I haven't owned a Strat in about 5 years now, but when I did, I put the SSL-1 neck pup in a MIM Fender Strat and my lawd, nailed it! What bell-like chime! If you really want to sound true to vintage, find somebody selling a used set.

          That SSL-1 is versatile too! I eventually switched from a maple neck to a wenge back with a ziricote fretboard and that pup really, really came to life. It gained attitude and loved the big muff. I almost miss it until I plug in my Korina LP which seems to be able to do everything from Jazz to hard rock and I do mean heavy, thick tone like a milkshake made for Satan; not bad for a Jazz, STK-S4, Jazz HSH with a chambered body.

          I brought up my current axe because even the STK series of stacked single coils sound great when operating in true single coil mode (split). Almost anything with decent electronics and a good enough set-up (no fret-out, plenty of sustain, almost fresh strings) can sing if you know what you're looking for. For Strats, I'd suggest either doing a full SSL-1 set to start and if you still want a little more versatility you can always swap the middle single coil out for a STK-S4 RW/RP and really open up your range with a single Strat. It's just nice to train your ears to the vintage sound across the board before you start tweaking it. I spent almost 6 years with the wrong pups in my number 1 before I honed in on what I truly was looking for! I didn't waste my time swapping out and listening to what else I wanted, I took the time to listen to the tone plugged in and listen to it unplugged before I understood what kind of guitar I had pieced together exactly.


          • #20
            Re: Fender pickups

            Thanks guys. Didn't expect my thread to blow up like this as I'm a bit of a n00b.

            I kept bringing up Fender Deluxes because as someone new to Fender I assumed their American Deluxe line would have their best pickups. Upon browsing their website, I see that their vintage series has their own line of pickups, but I don't see these pickups offered in the Custom Shop pickup line.

            My thinking was that the best pickups on the most expensive models would not be available for sale because that would defeat the purpose of selling an expensive Fender. I ran into this before with Peavey when I asked them if they would simply sell me the electronics to a Cirrus bass to install into a 5 string Foundation. They flatly told me they wouldn't sell electronics in a $1000 bass to be put into a $300 bass, or something.


            • #21
              Re: Fender pickups

              Also, I'm leaning toward the 54s. The 69s seem good for semi distorted stuff. And the SSL1s by Seymour sound good too.

              I imagine each brand brings its own thing to the table. For example, I still use my EMG 81s in 18 volt for standardish tunings because of all the mids, but when I detune I use Blackouts. I'm not a fanboy of anybody really, but when I'm venturing out into new territory I like to know where to start.

              Lace told me the s100 reissues were slightly warmer and more vintage sounding than the Golds, but not to an appreciable degree unless I wanted to be really hardcore about it. It would probably take someone who plays a vintage style all the time to tell a major difference, just like it would take a serious metal player to tell the difference among all the high gain bridge pickups like in the demo video that Keith Merrow did for SD's site. Could the average listener tell the difference between a JB, a Distortion, and an Invader through a high gain amp? Probably not. Could a metal player? Probably. Same with the s100 Laces vs. the Golds.


              • #22
                Re: Fender pickups

                I put Custom Shop '54s in my original 1958 Strat. One of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.


                • #23
                  Re: Fender pickups

                  Originally posted by jbailes View Post
                  I put Custom Shop '54s in my original 1958 Strat. One of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.
                  I sure as heck hope you didn't remove the original '58 pickups...


                  • #24
                    Re: Fender pickups

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	292813_495591827129048_2042811041_n.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	37.5 KB
ID:	5769225I did. My Dad only had the original bridge pup, so the CS54s were my only alternative.
                    Last edited by jbailes; 07-05-2013, 03:52 PM.

