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Lead Free solder any good?

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  • #16
    Re: Lead Free solder any good?

    Originally posted by Little Pigbacon View Post
    A good iron solves both problems. A variable-temperature Weller or clone will get hot enough to do that kind of work cleanly and efficiently. You can still burn the tips up if you leave them cooking at max temperature and keep leaving them like that for a few hours at a time. Take care of the thing properly, and you're looking at infrequent tip replacement and an iron that will last years.
    Thank you. I think the tips burning up is the problem I'm having. I'll look into a better iron. (My current one isn't variable.)


    • #17
      Re: Lead Free solder any good?

      Here in EU land, since 2009 the solder sold is Lead-free only.

      At the beginning you curse a lot more often than usual, then you get use to it and don't think anymore that "You were better when you were worse".

      That's life. It sucks. Deal with it!

