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Korina + '59 set = Love (a pickup saga)

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  • Korina + '59 set = Love (a pickup saga)

    I asked for advice on this forum when trying to get the tones I want out of my Epi korina V. Needless to say, I got rid of the stock Epi humbuckers mucho pronto, swapping them out for a Seth neck and PG bridge. While I loved the flat-out tones, these units didn't work for me live on the job, since they did not roll off that great. Also, eventually I found I'm not an A2 guy, very simply. Too spongy and flubby, both in the lows and highs. Not the response I was looking for.

    No, I thought, give me my tried-and-true combo of the '59 neck and the PG. This combo works like a charm in my mahogany Gibson '67 reissue V, so I figured the set would be a safe bet. Wrong. The JB sounded thin, nasal and basically useless for rhythm tones. No girth, all upper mids galore. The '59n, however, worked big time. Love it, clear and warm at the same time, think 'Wind Cries Mary' on steroids. Great strat impersonator, especially when dialing it back a bit.

    What now, I thought? Couldn't stand the JB with all those Korina mids. No good on the job, where I have to fill out sonically, being the sole guitar player in a trio. No good at all. Must have my lows and highs, my body. Fast forward to the present, where I have swapped the JB for - tadaaaa - a '59 bridge. Oooohh, man. Maybe this unit/set is considered crass and lowly, but now it's all there: The twang, the kerrang, the bottom. Cleans up beatifully, which is really essential for me. Does not loose its guts, even when the volume goes down to around 5. Usable, musical tones all the way up to Eric Clapton/Bonamassa city on 10.

    From now on, the '59 set has my utmost respect. Stock. Highly recommended. Thank you for your help, great community here.

  • #2
    Re: Korina + '59 set = Love (a pickup saga)

    Similar sentiments here. I went through several pickup swaps in my all Korina guitar and have recently settled on the 59 set. I'm really enjoying them. However, I would like to try an unpotted set...


    • #3
      Re: Korina + '59 set = Love (a pickup saga)

      That crossed my mind as well. While I can appreciate the complexity and liveliness of unpotted pickups, I need to stay pragmatic about it. I play a lot of gigs where space is real tight, and I'm more or less cramped in real close to my amp. At the same time, volume and gain can run pretty high lots of times. The Seth neck I used to have (unpotted) could be controlled in these scenarios, but only just so, it squealed kind of badly sometimes. I'm good with these potted 59's, they still give me gnarl, colour and the harmonic feedback without squeal.


      • #4
        Re: Korina + '59 set = Love (a pickup saga)

        I have a EVH 78 that is wound onto a P-90 base in my all Korina guitar. Works well.


        • #5
          Re: Korina + '59 set = Love (a pickup saga)

          I have a 59 in the neck of my korina PRS SE single cut. That thing is pure magic. Crazy 8 in the bridge is perfect as well.

          2016 Ibanez RG6003FM (JB/'59nJ)
          2018 G&L Tribute Legacy (Hot Rails/stock/stock)
          2019 Squier Affinity Telecaster HH (Esquire'd w/ JB)
          Applause/Ovation AE28 Acoustic/Electric


          • #6
            Re: Korina + '59 set = Love (a pickup saga)

            Just returned from the gig, using the korina V with my 71 JMP smallbox marshall and a WFRI Rat. Those '59 sounded great! I'm predicting lots of joy from this set. Somehow dirty and clear at the same time.


            • #7
              Re: Korina + '59 set = Love (a pickup saga)

              Originally posted by Daka3 View Post
              Maybe this unit/set is considered crass and lowly, but now it's all there: The twang, the kerrang, the bottom. Cleans up beatifully, which is really essential for me. Does not loose its guts, even when the volume goes down to around 5.
              '59's are good PU's, maybe not as flashy and in vogue as some others. The biggest complaint being the bassy low end, that appears in some guitars (especially LP's), but isn't an issue in many others. '59's work pretty good in SG's too.
              "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
              "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
              "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."

