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Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

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  • Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

    Last edited by darthphineas; 10-11-2013, 03:15 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

    Great demo man.


    • #3
      Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

      Awesome demo Darth!


      • #4
        Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

        Great demo Darth! Best one I've seen you do yet. Let me know when this one is live.


        • #5
          Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

          Originally posted by UberMetalDood View Post
          Great demo man.
          Originally posted by VHTJay View Post
          Awesome demo Darth!
          thanks for the nice words, you guys.
          Last edited by darthphineas; 02-24-2014, 07:11 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

            I think that you did a super job and that the pickup sounds GREAT!!!!
            Best amp tech I've ever had and hands down one of the best electronic/sound wizards in the NC Piedmont.


            • #7
              Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

              Originally posted by zenmindbeginner View Post
              I think that you did a super job and that the pickup sounds GREAT!!!!
              thanks dude. a lot of that has to do with your input over the past few months with regard to software and techniques. I wasn't even planning on moving forward with it, but focus on just doing some recording with Cakewalk Sonar X2 and the POD UX1 interface and PODFarm Platinum software. cats like you and Keith make it look easy, but I can confirm there's nothing simple about putting any of these videos together at any degree, especially with the level you and Keith are operating at.

              here is a video I just tripped over of the artist talking about how he's using that model in his custom line of guitars. it was in that little 'suggested video' thing over on the side of the page at youtube.

              guess he didn't know that you can actually get these from the Custom Shop. lol!
              Last edited by darthphineas; 02-22-2014, 07:29 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

                Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
                thanks dude. a lot of that has to do with your input over the past few months with regard to software and techniques. I wasn't even planning on moving forward with it, but focus on just doing some recording with Cakewalk Sonar X2 and the POD UX1 interface and PODFarm Platinum software. then Scott heard the recordings in their longer forms and his reply encouraged me to throw something together, so I just focused more on the sound than the visuals (obviously! lol!). cats like you and Keith make it look easy, but I can confirm there's nothing simple about putting any of these videos together at any degree, especially with the level you and Keith are operating at.

                here is a video I just tripped over of the artist talking about how he's using that model in his custom line of guitars. it was in that little 'suggested video' thing over on the side of the page at youtube.

                guess he didn't know that you can actually get these from the Custom Shop. lol!
                Wow, George is such a cool dude... it's like he's an eternal 25 year old. I've been really impressed with what he's been doing the last several years as a musician, philanthropist and craftsman.

                That little line about the fact that you can't get that pickup is peculiar though... I hope he doesn't think that the pickup is some kind of exclusive thing that only he has access to...

                ... 'cause we have most certainly let the cat out of the bag now.

                Does he not still use this pickup in at least one if his guitars?

                He can't live on Screamin' Demons alone... I think the Super V is only in his worn looking blonde strat. I kind of find it hard to believe that Demons are in all of his other guitars.

                Liked the modeler screen shots with the gear... that is just too cool. Definitely would like to check one of these pups out... I'm curious as to how much the ceramic magnet provides extra power and volume compared to the face melting output of the DD.

                I'm super glad that you were able to get a good tone in the digital domain. Modeling and USB recording just makes great sense IMHO. I forgot how much I like to tinker and set up microphones and all that jazz... I'm moving away from modeling personally and probably won't upgrade my X3 Live which is giving me crap with the effects loop and one of the parameter knobs doesn't work anymore. I could probably do my tones on the PC to bypass the knob problem but the effects loop is just broken and won't let me use my Badgerplex or Decimator G string... it's a good thing that I didn't ever spring for an M13, M9 or even M5 and depended on it for effects in the effects loop.

                That UX1 looks intriguing to me though.

                Again, great job and I'm glad that you can finally hear your playing and amazing axe selection in all their glory!
                Best amp tech I've ever had and hands down one of the best electronic/sound wizards in the NC Piedmont.


                • #9
                  Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

                  No idea what that cat may know about what's going on with the availability of the pickup. He just might not know. Or he might think that saying that might make people think his custom guitars or more exclusive. lol! Only he'd know for sure what he's thinking.

                  Amp modeling has come a long way. I remember trying a few digital signal processors over time. A few digitech and a boss. The Pod Farm Platinum software has really surpassed my expectations. It's not something I can see myself using live, but its more than I need for something like this.

                  Even with some of the amp choices and tone settings, the pickup still seemed to keep that low end that was tight but not brittle.

                  Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk


                  • #10
                    Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

                    Darth so the PU is ordered through MJ as a GL Dokken because I don't see it in the CS catalog......Any thoughts on how it would compare to the Super V? I'm just trying to find the right mix for my Model 6.
                    Hamer Centaura
                    Charvel Model 6
                    Kramer Pacer Custom II
                    Schecter Strat


                    • #11
                      Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

                      There are many models not show online, which I think is a real mistake. Lots of people could be missing out on models that might be right for them.

                      Can't compare it to the Super V because I've never played one. MJ or Derek might be the ones to call.

                      edit: on a real PC and can expand a little more..... yeah, call the CS and ask for the Dokken model. tell her the tortilla guy from Dallas referred you to her. lol! (no really, do that) as for the super v, check out zen's video demo. what I can say for sure about the Dokken is that is has the drive and tight lows and some of the grind of a DD, but mixed with the punch and more singing quality of a JB. it's one of those that you know can lay down those awesome 80s hard rock riffs and also makes you want to punch out some huge power chords and hit some really big open chords.... like a kick to the chest that you'll enjoy receiving. I'll probably do some swapping around this next week and can get some accurate reading off each coil (as I've been asked to do, but have neglected getting caught up on that).
                      Last edited by darthphineas; 08-25-2013, 03:51 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

                        Ditto on the smaller communication tools..........I could be the Tamale guy from Houston, but thanks for your "call sign" introduction. lol! Your description nails the sound I'm looking for. Time to get an order started for my Charvel.
                        Hamer Centaura
                        Charvel Model 6
                        Kramer Pacer Custom II
                        Schecter Strat


                        • #13
                          Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

                          Hi Darth,

                          I also use POD Farm. Would you mind sharing the settings for these clips?

                          Do not be wise in words - be wise in deeds.


                          • #14
                            Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

                            Originally posted by JohnnyGuitarCA View Post
                            Hi Darth,

                            I also use POD Farm. Would you mind sharing the settings for these clips?
                            the setting for the clean tone kicks in at about the 1:00 mark in the video. it's pretty much the tone for the Pull Me Under (clean) patch.

                            the dirty tone should start at around the 3:00 mark. it's a variation on the Dream Warriors patch... less gain, if I remember correctly.

                            also, someone had asked how the coils were matched up. I had a chance to take some readings with the meter today and got these:

                            series: 16.77
                            slug bobbin: 8.36
                            screw bobbin: 8.41
                            parallel: 4.19


                            • #15
                              Re: Custom Shop Dokken humbucker Demo

                              well if you can get this through custom shop how come its not listed?

