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SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

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  • SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

    Hey guys I was just wondering something I have an OLP MM1 (vintage trem model) and it's fitted with 2 alnico pro II's at the moment but I find the bridge pickup doesn't get quite enough heat and just sounds a bit too bass heavy. I figured I'd swap out the bridge for the CC being that it's hotter from what I hear leans more to the treble side of things. but I was wondering if anyone has tried the CC with the pro II in the neck position before? I'm tempted to swap out the neck for a pearly gates if the two are a complete miss-match.

    Cheers for any help you can offer!

  • #2
    Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

    I used to use that set in an old Yamaha SG2000

    Cool set but I wouldn't say the CC is fact it sort of lacks cut in some guitars. Lots and lots of midrange.

    Cool set up...
    If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


    • #3
      Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

      I didn't mean to make it sound like I was calling the CC bright just maybe doesn't seem quite as dark as the A2pro to my ears when I've heard them. the guy who owned the guitar before me had the A2's fitted though which I could get on with for a while but the CC is just more my style anyway. heard together with the pg (as per SD's recommendation on the site) really balances out your sound I just want to make sure if I left the A2 in the neck it wouldn't sound like i'd just dumped a bucket of mud on my tone by comparison


      • #4
        Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

        I think the two pickups would go very well together. A Pearly Gates would also match a Custom Custom well.

        But I do find the Alnico II Pro and Custom Custom to be somewhat bright. I wouldn't say they lack treble at all, but that the highs are just voiced differently.


        • #5
          Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

          I put a CC in my strat and while it was bright enough, it seemed to lack definition. It sounded great in my Les Paul and oddly enough, was more defined in the there, go figure? I'd be more inclined to go with the straight Custom over the Custom Custom to give you both the high end and definition. Alnico II's can lack definition and it was evident in my strat. Depends what you want though, some like their sound a bit looser.


          • #6
            Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

            Thanks for all the info guys! I did toy with the idea of the custom instead of the CC but every time I hear one I just think hell yeah in favour of the CC. I tend to have some quite different tastes in pickups anyway I had a Blacktop Fender Tele that had some serious custom shop pickups in there absolutely fantastic definition but I just couldn't get myself to like it. I have the Tele now with a JB and a '59n and love the sound of it. I've heard a lot of people say something similar to you john that the CC can go either way depending on your guitar, works great on some but really doesn't mix too well with others.


            • #7
              Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

              I used that combo for awhile and it is simply phenomenal. I don't use the CC as I need a tighter, more aggressive low end for what I play, but on it's own it's a great pick up. Paired with an AII Pro neck...tonal heaven.


              • #8
                Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

                Sounds like I might be on to a winner without having to swap out both p'ups which would be brilliant, what type of stuff do you play Jeff if you don't mind my asking? I'm trying to get back to a more vintage- esque sound (but without going too far back to the land of ultra low gain paf's)


                • #9
                  Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

                  A great combo. In a Les Paul, I call it FAT CITY. The high are just fat and huge. Obese even. Really round and sweet like molasses. I have also paired this with a PG. I LOVE to mix the PG and CC when clean. All sorts of cool shades (again, LP experience.)

                  The trem is gonna have more highs than in a LP/Fixed Bridge. Why? Dunno, that's just the way a CC rolls. They seem to really work in a Superstrat. So I suspect it's gonna work in the MM.

                  The CC can have the bass tighter by using different bass side screws, and more highs if needed by raising the screws on the treble side.
                  Originally posted by Bad City
                  He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                  • #10
                    Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

                    Originally posted by Snake0108 View Post
                    Hey guys I was just wondering something I have an OLP MM1 (vintage trem model) and it's fitted with 2 alnico pro II's at the moment but I find the bridge pickup doesn't get quite enough heat and just sounds a bit too bass heavy. I figured I'd swap out the bridge for the CC being that it's hotter from what I hear leans more to the treble side of things. but I was wondering if anyone has tried the CC with the pro II in the neck position before? I'm tempted to swap out the neck for a pearly gates if the two are a complete miss-match.
                    i wouldn't say the CC leans to the treble side of things; when i used one (chambered LP) i found it to be right in the middle. not in a bad way, very musical and useful, but the good kind of roar you'd hear if listening to rock through bad speakers. not a lot of low boom or high-mid/treble though.

                    Originally posted by Snake0108 View Post
                    I'm trying to get back to a more vintage- esque sound (but without going too far back to the land of ultra low gain paf's)
                    i know you weren't asking me; but it should definitely push the amp a it harder, and it does sound to me like it's what you're looking for.
                    just quietly, you can always try an A8 in it later, if you really want to rock and roll.

                    i liked the CC as a set with the A2P, too. different voices, but complimentary.


                    • #11
                      Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

                      Oh hells yes the mids will be extremely pushed, and the pup is fairly hot in general.
                      Originally posted by Bad City
                      He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                      • #12
                        Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

                        Thanks dr. ad and aceman some really helpful opinions there on listening to the A2P's again I think I'm happy with it in the neck position so i'll leave the PG out of the mix (for now) I've got the CC ordered which will be finding iit's new home in the mm very soon!


                        • #13
                          Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

                          Well, what was your final verdict?!


                          • #14
                            Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

                            Good pair for a brigher-toned guitar. Some players consider a CC to be too warm in some mahogany guitars, like LP's.
                            "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
                            "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
                            "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


                            • #15
                              Re: SH-11 Bridge Alnico II Pro Neck?

                              love the cc in my explorer, please report back your after thoughts.

