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Want new pickups for LP

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  • Want new pickups for LP

    Hello. This is my first post and I would be very grateful if I could get some of the existing members that are on this forum to help me decide which pups to get for my 2005 custom LP. Mahogany body, ebony fretboard. I'm fairly new at trying to understand what certain pups can do, and what they really can't do. I'm pretty sure this beautiful guitar that was given to me has 500k pots if that makes any sense. My current amp is a Mesa boogie express 5:50 plus, 50 watt combo. I enjoy playing modern as well as old school metal, heavy rock, and blues. I prefer a tight, crisp/clear heavy bottom end not muddy with good punch/power, good mid range, and nice clean articulate highs but not to shrill sounding. I think I'm leaning towards a 59 for the neck, but having a hard time deciding on the bridge. I dont have very much experience with different pickups and I was hoping that some of you fine people with some expertise in this department could lead me in the right direction. I very much appreciate your help.

    ps: I am currently deciding between the Sh-5, JB, Sh-14, Sh-16, DD. Although i'm willing to listen to any other suggestions.
    Last edited by Dre_Dru; 08-29-2013, 11:10 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Want new pickups for LP

    Hello & Welcome

    I would say The Custom SH-5
    I like the 59n
    Not sure if SH-5 & 59 are the best with an Ebony board I'm sure more Les Paul experts can chime in.

    you may also want to specify a little bit more for the experts: what you're not liking from your current gear, or what you want more of.
    Last edited by CountFeedback; 08-29-2013, 11:26 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Want new pickups for LP

      what pickups are in your les paul?


      • #4
        Re: Want new pickups for LP

        Originally posted by JonnyDoyle View Post
        what pickups are in your les paul?
        Should be 490R/498T

        RE: The original post, I think either the Distortion or the Custom will do you well, if you want tight and precise midrange content then I'd say Distortion all the way.

        “That which we do for ourselves dies with us … that which we do for others lives forever.”


        • #5
          Re: Want new pickups for LP

          Thank you count. I appreciate the sugestion. I am also interested in that combo according to what i've read about them, but haven't actually ever tried them together on an ebony board and/or on an LP for that matter. I am using alnico 2 pro's for both the bridge and neck at the moment. I kinda enjoy the neck tone I'm getting (very warm, bluesy), but the bridge sounds muddy, and I'm not getting a good tight metal sound with that power/punch tone that I'm searching for.
          Last edited by Dre_Dru; 08-29-2013, 11:54 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Want new pickups for LP

            Originally posted by Dre_Dru View Post
            Thank you count. I appreciate the sugestion. I am also interested in that combo according to what i've read about them, but haven't actually ever tried them together on an ebony board and/or an LP for that matter. I am using alnico 2 pro's for both the bridge and neck at the moment. I kinda enjoy the neck tone I'm getting (very warm, bluesy), but the bridge sounds muddy, and I'm not getting a good tight metal sound with that power/punch tone that I'm searching for.
            i know youre looking at duncans but check out the gibson 498t as well as the duncans. i cant help but say that that pickup fits what youre looking for pretty well.
            my les paul has the 498t(and i have a 500t in one of my other guitars)
            but the only duncan you listed that i have is a JB, and can tell you from that experience that the 498t fits what youre looking for better.


            • #7
              Re: Want new pickups for LP

              Hey Luke. The guitar was given to me with these pickups; although, they probably originally came with the 490R/498T that you mentioned. I like what I've read about the Sh-5 and that particular combo with the 59n. The other custom's seemed interesting aswell(Sh-14, Sh-16). You also mentioned the DD, but would that be a good marriage with the 59n? Thx.
              Last edited by Dre_Dru; 08-30-2013, 12:15 AM.


              • #8
                Re: Want new pickups for LP

                the SH5 Custom is tight and not muddy, so so clean sound, and it will rock and metal all day. I have not tried the Duncan Distortion.
                I like the JB or 59b in the bridge but there not instantly metal tight on the low end.

                maybe keep the AIIpro in the neck, no law against it

                Some very general pick-up info (and there are plenty of exceptions)

                metal/rock/punk/alt/funk Late 1970s-till now = Ceramic or Alnico V magnets,
                plenty of High output models like JB, SH5, Dmarzio Super Distortion,
                but also plenty of Vintage level Alnico 5 pups like 59,Jazz, or Stock Gibson A5.

                ClassicRock/Blues/Country = Alnico.
                Lots of A5 from the 1980s till now,
                but more authentic Vintage sounds are expected from Duncans A2 magnet pups Seths, Pearly Gates, etc…
                Stock Gibson Guitars on 1960&70s records = A2,A3,A4, totally random
                Last edited by CountFeedback; 08-30-2013, 12:09 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Want new pickups for LP

                  Thank's for the insight everyone. Still undecided, but have a clearer understanding and perspective on what direction I wanna take. I'll take all the suggestions I can get. Thx


                  • #10
                    Re: Want new pickups for LP

                    A Custom is a good choice for what you want. '59's are nice, except in that in LP's they can be boomy/bassy in the neck slot. I'd go with a Jazz (bright) or A2P (warm) in the neck instead.
                    Last edited by blueman335; 08-30-2013, 06:41 PM.
                    "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
                    "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
                    "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


                    • #11
                      Re: Want new pickups for LP

                      Hey there Dre/Dru. Welcome!

                      You sound a lot like me playing-wise. One question: is this an ALL Mahogany body? I'd think it had a Maple cap also. May not matter though... IMO the Ebony board really does not add so much brightness as it adds snap and fast attack. On with the suggestions:

                      First - Any of the Duncan classic PAF's will match with the higher output bridge pups. So, if you dig the A2P I say keep it. I currently have , in assorted Les PAuls: a T-Top (That sounds a lot like an A2P), A DiMarzio 59, And a Pearly Gates. The Pearly Gates is my favorite LP neck pup period. That said, I hear you about the neck. I tend to play different styles on different pups in the same guitar.

                      As for the bridge, a way to look at it is like this:

                      With the Mesa Amp, I don't think you are going to NEED a high output pickup. That said, they have a certain EQ/Feel/Tone about them.

                      Based on everything you said, I think the Custom is a great choice. It's kind of like a 59 on Steroids. The Ceramic magnet in there will give you the tightness you want. The highs *might* be a touch harsh, but I have never had a problem with them, and there is a tone knob - use it! Over all when the volume is dialed down I think the Custom can get very mellow. It has good mids. It has more bass and highs.

                      The other option you listed, a Distortion, is extremely tight in the bass, but has less bass than the Custom, and has much more pushed mids and screaming highs. I'm not so sure you'll like that. It is indeed a 'Metal" pickup whereas the Custom is a much better all-around pup. But - if this IS an all Mahogany guitar, and is pretty dark/bass heavy as is, the distortion may actually be your best bet. It will really dial down the bass and tighten it up, while providing the mids and highs - although going clean is not it's best thing. And you may find the highs a bit much with 500k pots. I like the 300k's with the ceramic screamer bridge pups myself. If tight metal on the bridge is your thing though, this is it. An A2P/DD set would be a pretty wide range guitar.

                      The JB and other choices don't seem like they will meet your needs. JB can be hit/miss, although if you are playing out in a band, it has it's virtues.

                      I will point out, that a plain old 59 might really do what you want if you don't need a hot bridge pickup. It may have sufficiently tight bass, and better highs/cleans than the Custom. I still like the Custom as a Metal/Hard Rock guy as it can "Thump and Scream" vs the 59 which has "Bass and Highs"

                      I also suggest consider the Duncan exchange policy if the Custom isn't working for you.
                      Last edited by Aceman; 08-30-2013, 05:55 AM.
                      Originally posted by Bad City
                      He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                      • #12
                        Re: Want new pickups for LP

                        Originally posted by blueman335 View Post
                        A Custom is a good choice for what you want. '59's are nice, except in that in LP's they can be boomy/bassy in the neck slot. I'd go with a Jazz (bright) or A2P (warm) in the neck in the neck instead.
                        I will agree with this. but in my experience, 59's sound EXCELLENT in the neck of a LP with an ebony board! Liked them much better than rosewood. If its still too boomy then a mag swap will fix that. Jazz is a great choice too but doesnt have the character that the 59 has.

                        Custom is a great choice for your style in the bridge of a LP. And again, Sounds great with an ebony board!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Want new pickups for LP

                          I use Jazz (neck) and Invader (bridge) if you want to put covers then I guess go for distortion but I love the tonal versatility from the jazz/invader its crazy
                          Guitars: Ibanez RG420, Ibanez RGA7, Ibanez RGD7421, Ibanez AFS75T 1993 Korean Squier Strat, Jackson MIJ DXMG, Yamaha APX500II
                          Basses: Ibanez SR605
                          Amp(s): Marshall JCM800 clone
                          Seymour Duncan Pickups used: Pegasus, Sentient, Blackouts, JB, Jazz, Invader, Hotrails, Vintage Stack (tele set), Dave Mustaine Livewire,


                          • #14
                            Re: Want new pickups for LP

                            Thx for all your suggestions and help! I am really close with my decision because of all of your great opinions I think it's come down to two different combos for me. I am heavily leaning towards the Custom SH-5/59 SH-1 and the DD SH-6/59 SH-1 or SH-2 Jazz. I think the SH-5/SH-1 would go well together from what I've heard, but not to sure what would go better with the DD.. Having a hard time deciding. Can still really use some help making a decision. Please keep in mind that its a mahogany body, ebony fret board. And again I do love metal the most (modern and old school), but also want to get some good hard rock and blue's sounds (ie. Gn'R) out of my axe. Thx again for your help!
                            Last edited by Dre_Dru; 08-30-2013, 09:51 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: Want new pickups for LP

                              If you want that LP dialed in, start with a PG neck. It's a neck pickup that's so hard to beat in a LP that it'll always be a good choice. I have a feeling the new Whole Lotta Humbucker neck is in the greatness category as well.

                              For bridge the range of what you want.
                              Custom is great for all out heaviness, with fairly blunt ceramic clean tones. Think Zakk Wylde type tone.
                              Custom 5 is an all'round heavy rock pickup for the guy who toggles between clean and gain. Think Alex Lifeson.
                              Distortion is like a tighter more focused Custom. Sounds like you're making a LP a Jackson.
                              JB is a great pickup but way too middy for a mahogany top LP Custom....same with APH
                              C/59 Hybrid is a GREAT pickup.....sort of a 90's era VH type tone. It's got the best of a 59 and Custom, not surprisingly.

                              For what it's worth, I've tried every variation of the Custom and prefer the Custom 5 modded to an unoriented roughcast A5 magnet. And also the C/59 Hybrid. Those two pickups sound really nice in any guitar.
                              Originally posted by Boogie Bill
                              I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!

