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Pickup vs Guitar vs Pickup ad infinitum

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  • Pickup vs Guitar vs Pickup ad infinitum

    I'll start this post with what I perceive to be the answer- unless your a pro guitarist with limitless funds and endless time on your hands for trial and error, there will always be a question mark over the perfect guitar and pickup combination. It's best to settle on a pairing that works and then concentrate on playing....

    500T was too harsh in my Flying V bridge so swapped out for a vintage blues set of 59's. They are good (neck in particular) and I'd be hard pushed to find a bridge pickup that does cleans so well along with decent rock tone if a bit too bright. BUT, I always felt like Id emasculated the V which will always look and feel like a rock and metal a bridge sh-5 is on the way. Was the 59b only too bright in the lightweight V body? Not sure.

    Just purchased a used Les Paul studio on eBay and before I got it I was certain I'd end up switching the pups. Surprisingly I'm really digging the 490r and 498t combo which seems to get me closer to an Angus Young type tone than the 59s ever could with all else being equal in the setup. I can hear in the 498T what others describe in forums- EQ a bit flatter than the 59s, a bit "muddier" and grainier but not excessively so. And yet a great bark and grunt which may or not be the Les Paul itself rather than the pickups! Would the 59s be even better in the LP? Not sure. Or what about the slash pickups?!

    Are both guitars going to be too similar with a SH-5 in one and 498t in the other? Not sure.

    Do I need a cleaner smoother option in case I suddenly develop an interest in jazz and country or fancy learning some Robben Ford? Also not sure.

    This stuff could drive you mad if you let it!!

  • #2
    Re: Pickup vs Guitar vs Pickup ad infinitum

    Put an A5 magnet in that 490r and you will have a good set. In my mind, the 59 set is too tame for a Flying V. I'd want a hotter bridge for metal in there.

    The 59's are not my favorites in a Les Paul. The 59 set has bright highs and a good firm low end. This is balanced out perfectly in a mid-focused SG, but can be too much of a good thing in a Les Paul, which naturally has strong highs and lows as well. The Whole Lotta Humbucker set is the best thing I've ever heard in a Les Paul, but it depends on what you are looking for.

    Keep in mind, with the Custom pickup, you can buy a few cheap magnets and easily turn it into a Custom-5, Custom-custom, Custom-UOA5, Custom-8, etc. Its a pretty cheap way to experiment.


    • #3
      Re: Pickup vs Guitar vs Pickup ad infinitum

      Originally posted by Mr. B View Post
      Put an A5 magnet in that 490r and you will have a good set.

      Keep in mind, with the Custom pickup, you can buy a few cheap magnets and easily turn it into a Custom-5, Custom-custom, Custom-UOA5, Custom-8, etc. Its a pretty cheap way to experiment.
      +1. 490R's are much better with a brighter magnet; I put A5's in mine. More clarity and high end.

      Customs are great with an assortment of magnets, and one or two of those are bound to be what you want.

      '59B's are bright; like many bridge PU's they sound fuller with a warmer magnet.
      "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
      "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
      "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


      • #4
        Re: Pickup vs Guitar vs Pickup ad infinitum

        Originally posted by tinman1 View Post
        Do I need a cleaner smoother option in case I suddenly develop an interest in jazz and country or fancy learning some Robben Ford? Also not sure.

        This stuff could drive you mad if you let it!!
        Worry about that if it happens. In the meantime, go for the sound that suits the repertoire you play most right now.
        "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
        Yehudi Menuhin


        • #5
          Re: Pickup vs Guitar vs Pickup ad infinitum

          Originally posted by Mr. B View Post
          The 59 set has bright highs and a good firm low end. This is balanced out perfectly in a mid-focused SG, but can be too much of a good thing in a Les Paul, which naturally has strong highs and lows as well.
          Its really quite an interesting subject this. My new Les Paul studio is the most "middy" guitar I've ever owned...presumably as the 490r/498t set balances out the guitars strong natural lows/highs and pushes the mids. Theres an almost unquantifiable "bark" there as well though that I get the feeling would be there whatever pickups were in it.

          The Flying V on the other hand is super light and resonant and feels like it should naturally bring out mids and highs. I'm sure that has something to do with the lack of chunk I've noticed with the 59 set, irrespective of their lower output. Hence the SH-5 will hopefully balance this out and push the bass. I seriously doubt I'll ever fancy playing a bit of Larry Carlton or BB King and reach straight for the V anyway (Albert King references aside)!

          Whether or not the two guitars will sound too similar remains to be seen. Theres certainly a difference in feel which is always nice for variety. Really like the 50s neck profile on the LP, a bit of a revelation (and no doubt also contributes in some way to tone)!
          Last edited by tinman1; 09-23-2013, 12:47 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Pickup vs Guitar vs Pickup ad infinitum

            I recently put a Custom in a very resonant Destroyer. This Destroyer, well, destroys now. I wana make it a C8 cuz everyone raves about, plus i want a touch more mids. Keep the 59n in the V tho!

