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Need some help with pickups for CS 70's Strat Reissue (Northern Ash)

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  • Need some help with pickups for CS 70's Strat Reissue (Northern Ash)

    Hey guys I'm a lurker around here and I know you guys know your stuff, made a custom with an a8 thanks to these forums and that thing kills.

    So I had/have a Classic Series 70's Reissue Strat that's made of Northern Ash, Besides weighing like a ton of bricks, I love the look of it. I had YJM Fury's Neck and Bridge installed (Dummy in the middle) and tone controls disconnected. The guitar was way too bright and it just didn't sound right to me, at least the bridge didn't the neck was actually fine if I remember correctly. I ended up putting the Fury's in an alder guitar instead of just finding it a different bridge pickup, probably didn't want to break up the Fury's.

    Anyway, so this guitar is empty and I neglected it for a while. I recently decided to start searching around forums to see what others have installed in their 70's RI's. In searching I came across people with different pickups but similar problem of a bright guitar. I did find one thread where a guy couldn't stand it, he said he had been through a lot of pickups and was going to "give up on it because of not being able to tame the brightness" until he installed SD SSL-5 (apparently in both neck and bridge positions) said it tamed the brightness for him so that's what he suggested.

    so I had somewhere to start, I looked up the SSL-5 but since it's a regular single I know it has that hum. I'd rather have something noiseless and lucky for me there is the STK-S6 which is apparently a stacked version. Now what do you guys think? would the stacked version be any brighter? which I definitely don't want. Do you guys have any other suggestions similar? (there were a lot of similar sounding names in the STK series) There didn't seem to be a neck version of the STK-S6 so would it go well with Fury N? considering I remember that sounding fine. If you happen to have anything you want to add or want me to add feel free. Thanks

  • #2
    Re: Need some help with pickups for CS 70's Strat Reissue (Northern Ash)

    The stack will probably sound more dull than its proper singlecoil brother - probably a good thing for you. You could go for the stack versions of vintage pickups for middle and neck. Maybe thats the STK 1 or something - like an ssl 1 but noiseless.


    • #3
      Re: Need some help with pickups for CS 70's Strat Reissue (Northern Ash)

      I might try the stock pickups, if you still have them, and turning the treble down on your amp.
      Originally posted by LesStrat
      Yogi Berra was correct.
      Originally posted by JOLLY
      I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.


      • #4
        Re: Need some help with pickups for CS 70's Strat Reissue (Northern Ash)

        don't have the stock pickups.

