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Pickup recomendation for strat, late 60s early 70s build

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  • Pickup recomendation for strat, late 60s early 70s build

    I'm building a late 60s early 70s strat and I need to get the pickups for the build soon. So far I've looked at the Fender cs 69s, Lindy Fralin woodstocks, and the kinman woodstocks. Haven't really had a chance to check out any seymours yet though. Just wondering if anyone had any experience with these pickups and could discuss them. I guess you could say I'm going for a hendrix style vibe.

  • #2
    Re: Pickup recomendation for strat, late 60s early 70s build

    Seymour has a set available through the Custom Shop that are late 60s/early 70s spec.


    • #3
      Re: Pickup recomendation for strat, late 60s early 70s build

      I modded my strat to HHS with a Seymour Duncan SSL-5 in the neck and middle position (put a JB in the bridge). The SSL-5s are high output true single coils. As stated they are high output for single coils but they sound amazing to my ears and they make my AC30 sing. They have all the "classic" strat tone but have the added bonus of being able to push an amp a little harder for good overdrive tones. I particularly enjoy the Neck and Neck/Middle tones. And they come in either a staggered configuration or flush poles, whichever you prefer.

      Now, I am definitely a Humbucker kind of guy. As a matter of fact, this strat is the only single coil equipped guitar I own, but these pickups just do it for me.

      Good luck on the tone hunt.


      • #4
        Re: Pickup recomendation for strat, late 60s early 70s build


        These would be perfect for your build and don't let the low price throw you. These are fantastic pickups.

        I don't think the link worked. Just go to the AGF site's classifieds. Harpmaster sells them. Jimi Experience pickups.
        Last edited by dkal24; 11-04-2013, 03:50 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Pickup recomendation for strat, late 60s early 70s build

          Describe what you want from the tone of the pickups you are going to install. If you can, please tell us about the pickups you have used in the past, and what you would like to have sound different in a new set. Also, tell us about the acoustic properties of your axe and what aspects of it you would like to accentuate or complement with your pup set. What specific tonal characteristics of a late 60s/early70s stratocaster do you like?
          Last edited by Chickenwings; 11-04-2013, 04:40 PM.
          "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
          Yehudi Menuhin


          • #6
            Re: Pickup recomendation for strat, late 60s early 70s build

            SSL-1 set

