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Noise with APS2 and antiquities

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  • Noise with APS2 and antiquities


    I've got strat antiquity surfer in the bridge, aps2 rw/rp in the middle and an aps2 in the neck. Its ok clean but with distortion I get a lot of buzzing in 1-3 positions but nothing in 4 and 5. It's like the rwrp is making the antiquity noisier somehow. Anyone had similar experiences?

  • #2
    Re: Noise with APS2 and antiquities

    welcome to the forum!

    it sounds like there is a grounding issue if the bridge pup by itself is more noisy than the neck pup by itself.

    if you take your middle pup and bridge pup and put the tops together, do they attract or repel?


    • #3
      Re: Noise with APS2 and antiquities

      Thanks for the welcome and reply.

      I don't believe it is grounding, its impossible to not be grounded as ive shielded the insides and all the pups go to the back of pot and the shield goes to the input jack. It also happens when the pickups are out of the guitar as well directly plugged into a jack directly into the amp (so its probably just the antiquity). It actually sounds better if i put the neck pickup in the middle and put the rwrp in the neck, so im just about to remove all the pickups and solder it in that way and that should help hopefully. I'll check what the pups do wrt repelling/ attracting.


      • #4
        Re: Noise with APS2 and antiquities

        Antiquity is repelled by the neck
        rwrp is attracted to everything


        • #5
          Re: Noise with APS2 and antiquities

          Position 5 (neck only?) is quiet?

          Are you sure the 5-way switch is wired up correctly?


          • #6
            Re: Noise with APS2 and antiquities

            Originally posted by uOpt View Post
            Position 5 (neck only?) is quiet?

            Are you sure the 5-way switch is wired up correctly?
            Don't get offended but... I think you need to brush up on your reading skills.

            The pickups behave the same way out of the guitar and I said positions 4 and 5 were quiet. I've moved the rwrp to the neck and its a lot better in positions 2->5 the antiquity is a bit of a noisy beast on its own, but only maxed out on distortion now which I expected.


            • #7
              Re: Noise with APS2 and antiquities

              OK. You dolt understand that there should be a noticeable noise difference between 4 and 5 because rwrp doesn't do anything when only one pickup is on?


              • #8
                Re: Noise with APS2 and antiquities

                Originally posted by uOpt View Post
                OK. You dolt understand that there should be a noticeable noise difference between 4 and 5 because rwrp doesn't do anything when only one pickup is on?
                Thanks for calling me a dolt... I was trying to be polite and say " I've already said that before " but not come across offensive...... You probably think im some sort of noob as this is my first thread i get it...

                The pickups are very quiet in positions 2-5 in or out of guitar and now that i have moved the rwrp to the neck the guitar is a lot better... The antiquity is noisy regardless of its position in or out of guitar, I just didnt expect it to be.

                Bizarre no?

