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  • Earthing

    Does any1 know if how ?? Cos I recently soldered my pickup in and noticed a wire was loose. It was 1 of 2 wires, the other wire was white and is wired as shown in the schematics...

    Strat 3 single coil 1 volume 2 tones

    it shows the black wire is earth, but I'm not sure how its done, I think that you just solder it to the volume pot. I really just wanted to know before I tested it if its done correctly. Thanks

  • #2
    Re: Earthing

    Yeah, usually the ground wires go to the pot.. Take a look at it.. there should be 2 wires going to the output jack.. the one coming from the pot is ground.
    There also should be a wire going to the bridge from the pot as well..
    So you can solder the loose ground wire to that pot as well..
    Ebay quote :"..Everything was glued together, and I have not had any problem with playability, my tech says it's gonna hold up good.."


    • #3
      Re: Earthing

      thanks, I just read a schematic as well, which tells me how to earth it. thanks anyway

