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which pickup where?

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  • which pickup where?

    Hi new here, I have a couple of Seymour Duncan pickups off of a old Ibanez, Im not sure if the came on it or were added, anyway one has a "JB" sticker and the other has a "DC"....they still list the specs for the DC,( all black) i believe its a TB-5? and they recommend it in the bridge position....does anyone know about the JB pickup? I think before when they still listed it, they recommended it in the bridge position too? I plan on using them on a epiphone LP-100 which one would you use where? Thanks

  • #2
    Re: which pickup where?

    Both of these will work well in the bridge, and probably work equally poorly in the neck. The neck will be hotter than the bridge and muddy whichever way around you do them.


    • #3
      Re: which pickup where?

      I play mostly classic rock, if I were to use one of these in the bridge position, and buy a new neck pickup, which one, the JB, or the DC , would be your 1st choice?


      • #4
        Re: which pickup where?

        I'd go the Custom.....its crunchy and will probably be happier in mahogany than the JB. A neck pickup like the 59 or Jazz would work well with it.


        • #5
          Re: which pickup where?

          You could try the custom in the bridge and the JB wired in parallel in the neck (or vice versa...JB in the bridge, custom in parallel in the neck). Parallel wiring will reduce the output by about a third or so (even though it reduce the effective resistance to 1/4) and adds a bit more brightness.


          • #6
            Re: which pickup where?

            Thanks so much for the input !!!! any more input on what CTN suggested?


            • #7
              Re: which pickup where?

              I could do either in the bridge.

              The Custom is a powerful Ceramic "PAF on Steroids" type. Big bass, scooped miss, screaming highs.
              The JB is a looser bass, pushing mids, and highs pup.

              So tight bass and lots, with scoop = Custom. Looser bass and mids = JB. Your call. But as mentioned in Mahogany (if that's what the Epi is....) the JB can have issues. I'd go Custom.

              But, the JB wired in Parallel is an awesome idea. That requires a little wire surgery but shouldn't be a big deal. Never thought of that. Great suggestion. How are your soldering/electronic chops? I say try that in the neck. That LP 100 will sound 1000x better with either pup, either way.

              If all you do is play leads on the neck, I'd just go with the JB as is in there. Cool neck pup for leads.
              Originally posted by Bad City
              He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


              • #8
                Re: which pickup where?

                Thanks aceman!,and everyone else I will go with the custom in the bridge position and the JB wired in Parallel in the neck position, my soldering abilities are great! i was starting with the 2 Humbuckers, 2 Volumes, 2 Tones 3 Way Switch wiring diagram of this website, can you or anyone explain/show/link me to how to modify to do the parallel wiring on the JB?


                • #9
                  Re: which pickup where?

                  ok this is were I was at for wiring
                  it appears the pups wired in series?
                  so is this how I want the bridge pup?, and then wire the neck in parallel ( tie north start to south start, north finish to south finish) if so, are the starts Hot and the finishes Ground?
                  what mods do I need to do to as CTN, and ACEMAN suggested?
                  Last edited by epirich; 01-05-2014, 12:18 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: which pickup where?

                    ^ what aceman said. I would also go custom in the bridge of that guitar. that would also probably be at the top of the list of all duncan pickups for you.


                    • #11
                      Re: which pickup where?

                      If those PUs came with 2 conductor cables they are factory wired in series. If they came with 4 conductor wiring you can go ether way. In the bridge your probably going to want series, and in the neck it's up to what you want as far as tone and out put. If the one that you are going to put in the neck has a 2 conductor cable you can go one of 2 ways. (#1. Not recommended). You can rewire it in the PU to be in parallel using the 2 conductor cable. Or (#2. RECOMMENDED) You can replace the 2 conductor cable for a 4 conductor cable. This will allow you to wire it in series, in parallel, in phase, out of phase, and coil split it. Lots more versatility! Any questions? just ask. Lot of knowledge in here. Welcome to the Forum, and have FUN!
                      Where Words Fail, Music Speaks
                      If a positive attitude is a Magnet for positive results, what type positive attitude sounds best, A2, A5, UOA5, A8, C8, or?


                      • #12
                        Re: which pickup where?

                        Custom is lower in output with a tighter sound and a higher resonance peak with a sharper attack while the JB is hotter and fuller sounding. For tonal and output balance the Custom would go in the neck and the JB in the bridge, that would be the best set up for classic rock, some heavy metal, blues, etc. If you wanna give the parallel JB in the neck a shot and the Custom bridge for a more focused and drier sound then go for it.


                        • #13
                          Re: which pickup where?

                          Originally posted by CTN View Post
                          You could try the custom in the bridge and the JB wired in parallel in the neck (or vice versa...JB in the bridge, custom in parallel in the neck). Parallel wiring will reduce the output by about a third or so (even though it reduce the effective resistance to 1/4) and adds a bit more brightness.


                          • #14
                            Re: which pickup where?

                            I did a JB in the neck once many moons ago. It is just searing in the neck. The miss and highs just cut and scorch for leads. However - I did not not dig the bass/rhythm sounds (Les Paul). To me, that's where the SuperD really works as an all around monster neck pickup.

                            But remember - I dig the tight bass tones of ceramic in general. So Mucky bass in a rocker/metal guitar neck is not my thing. Lower output pups work way better for me there. I dig the PG neck. But that's me...YMMV

                            GAry Richrath is my neck SuperD tone Guru.
                            Originally posted by Bad City
                            He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                            • #15
                              Re: which pickup where?

                              OOOOOOOO you could also swap the mags to have it as a Custom 5 in the neck and a Ceramic JB in the bridge. That would make the JB hotter and tighter and mellow out the the Custom.

