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Bridge Humbucker Buzzing slightly

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  • Bridge Humbucker Buzzing slightly

    Heya, my super distortion humbucker in the bridge is humming slightly, even with my noise suppressor on. It is only when playing on the dirty overdriven/distorted channel. It continues even when Im touching the strings. It is not as loud a hum as my middle single coil pickup but it is still there. My dimarzio Evolution neck humbucker is quiet compared to it.... Im wondering if there is a grounding issue with the bridge pickup, or is the slight hum due to fact that the pickup has a higher output and on the overdrive channel ??
    Last edited by evh_slash; 01-07-2014, 04:03 PM.
    -RG Air Norton/Megadrive
    -Hard Ash Strat Amdusias set
    -JPM100 x2 PAF pro/Super D + Breed/Transition
    -Vigier Shawn Lane Aph1-n/Norton
    -Suhr SSS Strat V60/V60/ML Bridge (SSCII)
    -RG7 BKP Brutes

  • #2
    Re: Bridge Humbucker Buzzing slightly

    the middle position would be "60 cycle hum" it's very common , you can usually fix this problem by playing in the 2nd or 4th position on a strat.. if not a stacked single coil does the trick. It's a dead giveaway if a single coil has 4 wires as opposed to just the two. 4 wire stacked single coils cancel out any hum in the middle position. Finding the right one should be fun. The pro to having a stacked single coil is it can coiltap , go out of phase and all kinds of cool mods.. or just solder off the red and white (seymour duncans case) wires and play it like a humbucker.

    for the bridge pickup though check for any loose wires in the control cavity (hopefully it isn't an RG or strat). The good thing about re-joining ground wires is it's very easy you don't have to unscrew anything really. In the neck position is it totally fine? no hum at all? Output of pickups shouldn't be the issue. My bridge pickup on my favorite guitar is 18.5k which is insanely high , in a middle position when playing with other pickups no problems at all.

    anyways hope I could help


    • #3
      Re: Bridge Humbucker Buzzing slightly

      thanks , hmmm it is an RG though ... no scratchplate so i'll have to open up the back to check again... it all looks fine. literally the neck HB is silent, yet the bridge got the hum....
      -RG Air Norton/Megadrive
      -Hard Ash Strat Amdusias set
      -JPM100 x2 PAF pro/Super D + Breed/Transition
      -Vigier Shawn Lane Aph1-n/Norton
      -Suhr SSS Strat V60/V60/ML Bridge (SSCII)
      -RG7 BKP Brutes


      • #4
        Re: Bridge Humbucker Buzzing slightly

        Originally posted by evh_slash View Post
        thanks , hmmm it is an RG though ... no scratchplate so i'll have to open up the back to check again... it all looks fine. literally the neck HB is silent, yet the bridge got the hum....
        a good explanation would be that the wire shield in the pickup lead is not connected.


        • #5
          Re: Bridge Humbucker Buzzing slightly

          My friend who wired the guitar soldered all the grounds together and heat shrink wrapped them all. Im gona have to open up the heat shrink tubing to check the grounds... **** !
          -RG Air Norton/Megadrive
          -Hard Ash Strat Amdusias set
          -JPM100 x2 PAF pro/Super D + Breed/Transition
          -Vigier Shawn Lane Aph1-n/Norton
          -Suhr SSS Strat V60/V60/ML Bridge (SSCII)
          -RG7 BKP Brutes


          • #6
            Re: Bridge Humbucker Buzzing slightly

            Originally posted by evh_slash View Post
            My friend who wired the guitar soldered all the grounds together and heat shrink wrapped them all. Im gona have to open up the heat shrink tubing to check the grounds... **** !
            No, you can multimeter the thing that is supposed to be grounded, e.g. the pickup cover.

