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Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

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  • Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

    My Les Paul Classic has had a set of '59s for a decade and while I've enjoyed them, I think it's time to brighten up the neck pickup to compensate for some amps I use that are not a good match for my neck '59. Lately I notice the highs are not there that I need.

    Would a Pearley Gates in the neck (uncovered) brighten my neck tone, yet cover lows, mids, as well as
    highs? Would it be a decent match with a '59 bridge which has no shortage of highs, itself?


  • #2
    Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

    No, the PGn isn't brighter than the 59n. The Jazz is the only Duncan PAF-ish pup brighter than the 59, IME. The 59 does have a big bottom, but also a lot of top end.


    • #3
      Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

      no. the pearly gates neck is deeper and warmer than a 59. People often think that the PG neck is similar to the PG bridge, but its actually a marked contrast.
      Go for a jazz neck if you want more clarity and cut.
      "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
      Yehudi Menuhin


      • #4
        Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

        I would probably consider doing it the other way around, for what you want. The PG does have a healthy amount of treble in general, but in the neck slot in a classic Gibson-style setup, it's a "creamy" pickup. It has power and grind, and sounds real bluesy, but when you play chords on it, it's pretty mushy, without a ton of definition. To me, the PGs are the perfect set for someone who uses their bridge pickup for cutting, yet thick chords and their neck pickup for "honky," fluid, sparsely-phrased leads. If you want to play chords with the neck position, and leads with the bridge position, I think you are better off with a Jazz or '59, or even an AII Pro or Slash pickup in the neck spot, and whatever more powerful pickup in the bridge.
        Last edited by ItsaBass; 01-20-2014, 08:44 PM.
        Originally posted by LesStrat
        Yogi Berra was correct.
        Originally posted by JOLLY
        I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.


        • #5
          Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

          jazz neck is what i would suggest


          • #6
            Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

            As much as I dig the PG/59 combo - I don't think it is what you are after.
            Originally posted by Bad City
            He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


            • #7
              Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

              Think your best bet would be a JazzN.


              • #8
                Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

                I swapped the mag out of my PG to UOA5 and it gave it enough treble for me but I would suggest you get a Jazz for the neck for the most clarity.
                Originally posted by KBliss
                WELCOME TO THE FORUM! Make sure you spend more time playing than you do on this forum. That's our sickness.
                Originally posted by trevorus
                The revolutionaries become the bureaucrats the day after the revolution is over...


                • #9
                  Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

                  We all ask for "brighter" or "more _____" when, often, we don't know what will genuinely make us happy. I believe it's like dating in that: we all have lists of the "perfect mate" until we find someone we fall head over heels for and just re-write our list of desired attributes to fit the person we found. Your search might be like that. If you want a jazzy, warm smooth neck that has all the highs you need, try the PGn. It's definitely less bright but has more mids and a smoother, warmer response that most want in a LP neck.

                  Another option would be the Dimarzio Bluesbucker or EJ Custom for more of a single-coil/p90 or Filtertron sound. IMO, if you aren't enjoying the 59n, the Jazz if too "stiff" and you might be better with the dimarzio options if you don't bond with the PGn.


                  • #10
                    Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

                    Originally posted by Studioplayer View Post
                    I think it's time to brighten up the neck pickup to compensate for some amps I use that are not a good match for my neck '59. Lately I notice the highs are not there that I need.
                    Since you want to 'brighten up' what you already have ('59N), you absolutely do not want a PGN or any other A2 neck PU. You'll lose high-end, which is the opposite direction from where you want to go. JazzN's are brighter than '59's and very popular here. If you really want a lot more treble, a Dimarzio HFH is the way to go. I had a Dimarzio Bluesbcuker and I wouldn't consider it particularly bright.
                    "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
                    "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
                    "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


                    • #11
                      Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

                      I appreciate the responses. Many seem to show me that the SD Jazz is the way forward. A few like the Pearley Gates for the neck position. Would either of those be a good match for my '59 bridge, especially when using the middle position? Is either one of the choices more versatile than the other? I play more than one style and versatility in a neck pickup and bridge, for that matter, is what I strive for......not an overall "killer" tone. So far, the '59s were the right choice for me.



                      • #12
                        Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

                        Jazz is an extremely flexible pickup. Don't think I've ever done a Jazz/59 together. Depends on what you want out of the middle.

                        - Pups that sound the "same" in the neck and middle get a similar but not quite neck or bridge tone.
                        - Really different pups get unique tones; Example A2P neck and a 59. Think really fat neck and really bright bridge. That yeilds a fat yet cutting tone that neither pup has alone. A PGn and an A2p bridge yields a really balanced sound that again, neither has on it's own.

                        Regarding the PG. It is my gavotte LP neck pup period. However, I don't think it has the "highs" like you want. It doers have great cut, but it is because of the upper miss. The high part of the highs is from an A2P magnet and has a sweetness to it. Smooth and silky on the very top. I have to agree with the Jazz recs. You *might* consider a screamin demon if you don't like the Jazz.

                        Time to consider Duncan's exchange policy!
                        Originally posted by Bad City
                        He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                        • #13
                          Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

                          Originally posted by Studioplayer View Post
                          My Les Paul Classic has had a set of '59s for a decade and while I've enjoyed them, I think it's time to brighten up the neck pickup to compensate for some amps I use that are not a good match for my neck '59. Lately I notice the highs are not there that I need.

                          Would a Pearley Gates in the neck (uncovered) brighten my neck tone, yet cover lows, mids, as well as
                          highs? Would it be a decent match with a '59 bridge which has no shortage of highs, itself?

                          I think you should try it. I'm a big fan of the PGn, altho I'm a fan of the 59n & 59b too.

                          But sometimes the 59n can have to much bass and the PGn seems to have less of a "woofy" resonance to the bass or something.

                          There's something about the bass response of the PGn that sounds smaller & clearer compared to the bass of the 59n, which sounds bigger & (sometimes) woofier.

                          I'd try the can always go back to the 59n or try a Jazz n.

                          But before doing any pickup swapping, you might want to check and be sure you have 500K volume and tone pots - some Gibsons had 300K and that makes for an overall tone with less treble on tap than if all four pots are 500K.

                          You can also do the 50's mod on just your neck pickup volume and tone controls: disconnect the tone control from the input of the neck pickup volume control and resolder it to the middle terminal of the same volume control. That'll brighten things up slightly and give you a clearer tone when you turn your neck pickup tone control down.
                          Last edited by Lewguitar; 01-21-2014, 11:25 AM.
                          “Practice cures most tone issues” - John Suhr


                          • #14
                            Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

                            I would recommend staying with an A5.

                            Anybody mention a FullShred Neck?

                            I do find the PGn to be less boomy on the low end, compared to the 59n. So as mentioned above, it may be worth a try. I have both and like both, also love the Jazz. all good choices in a LP.

                            also a PGn in parallel: DAMN!


                            • #15
                              Re: Pearley Gates Neck & ' 59 Bridge?

                              I can relate, I dig my 59 neck but sometimes the lows get a little bumpy, especially for clean chords.
                              There was a circuit mod that was going around
                              adding a resistor in line with the pickup to cut a little low, Iv'e been considering it.
                              I tried the JazzN: clean chords are sparkling wonderful, leads sing and are articulate, BUT I missed a little bit of the woodyness and homk of the 59n.
                              I've also been interested in the Seth Lover N as an option.

