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59s in a Vintage VS6 (SG copy)

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  • 59s in a Vintage VS6 (SG copy)


    First of all, I´m relatively new to the forum -I used to be connected some years ago, so hello everybody again-.

    My question is:

    I have a Vintage VS6 sg type copy. I feel the guitar has a nice basement, but could be improved (changing tuners, bridge an pups)

    I like the classic sg tone, so my first impression would be trying a pair of 59s.

    Is it a good option? Better ones, or any other ideas?

    I like a mid-distorted sound tha could be broken eventually a-la Neil Young kind of distortion.

    Thanks in advance.


  • #2
    Re: 59s in a Vintage VS6 (SG copy)

    Hi Angel and welcome back.

    I recently put a '59 set into an Epiphone SG and they sound awesome for the kind of 60s and 70s influenced rock I like to play - I think Neil Young tone is in that ballpark!

    As I posted in another SG thread today, I never had much luck with '59s in Les Pauls (boomy bass in the neck, too scooped in the bridge) but the warmer mid-strong acoustic tone of the SG complements the '59s perfectly, producing a really full and well balanced tone.

    I put a TonePros bridge and tailpiece set on my Epi while I was changing the pickups and that is a great upgrade too.


    • #3
      Re: 59s in a Vintage VS6 (SG copy)

      Thanks Simon, maybe it is the way to go! I think boomy sound wouldn´t be an issue in a SG. Mine sound very clear in neck pickup positions.
      I´ver heard good things of tone pros, though they are too pricey to my budget.

      As I said, thanks for the advice!


