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Will These Fit My 59's?

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  • Will These Fit My 59's?

    If you can believe it...the seller cannot answer this question. I don't understand that to be honest. If I sold PUP covers, I would educate myself with regard to whether they fit the most popular PUP's on the planet (not sure if that's true, but...seems that way).

    Anyway...regular spaced 59' what I gotz.
    Thanks all!

  • #2
    Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

    Seymour Duncan sells covers for the same price. Why take a chance?

    Hand-crafted electric guitar pickups, acoustic guitar pickups, bass pickups and pedals. Helping musicians find their signature sound since 1976.
    Quality riffs in about a minute...


    • #3
      Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

      He lists them as 50mm. As far as I know the '59 is 49.2mm. Please, somebody correct me if my head is up my butt here.


      • #4
        Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

        Originally posted by superpete View Post
        Seymour Duncan sells covers for the same price. Why take a chance?
        But the eBay seller is selling 2 of them at that price...

        On the linked nickel cover page, the humbucker spacing is given as 1.95 inches or 48.9 mm, but 1.95 inches is actually 49.53 mm.

        On the SH-1 '59 page the spacing between the centres of the screws is given as 2.00 inches which is 50.8 mm.

        The eBay page has the distances as 49.2 mm and 50 mm. Confused yet?

        49.2 mm is pretty close to 1 15/16th inch, plausible for a real 50 year old pickup, but modern copies of vintage pups could easily have a different spacing.
        Last edited by Chrisp; 03-11-2014, 08:37 PM.
        Well at least I'm not blue.


        • #5
          Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

          They might.


          • #6
            Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

            Originally posted by uOpt View Post
            They might.
            That about sums it up don't it?
            I'll tell you what...if I was selling PUP covers (not just a pair here and there but wholesale), I'd know every GD thing there was to know about it. Guess that's a bygone ideal...actually knowing what you're doing.
            "Excuse me chef, I am allergic to peanuts. Are there any nut products in this dish?"
            "Uhhhh. I dunno. I guess if you die there are."
            Ugggggh!! Sorry. I'm just frustrated.


            • #7
              Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

              Originally posted by Chrisp View Post
              But the eBay seller is selling 2 of them at that price...
              oops! didn't see that.

              Anyway, back to the question of if they will fit: Short answer: Yes, with an “if.” Long answer: No, with a “but.”
              Quality riffs in about a minute...


              • #8
                Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

                Originally posted by jbear View Post

                Get these:



                • #9
                  Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

                  But then again, the seller DID put a ruler on the cover to show the spacing. To expect him to know if the covers fit a particular Duncan pup, or a specific Bare Knuckles pup, or a DiMarzio pup, or a hundred others is a bit much to ask of the seller.

                  I suppose you could also put a ruler on your pup to check the spacing. But maybe that's a bit too much to ask of the buyer these days.
                  Originally Posted by IanBallard
                  Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


                  • #10
                    Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

                    In general there are only two spacings for American pickups.

                    Gibson used to make bridge pickups a bit wider and stopped doing that. Duncan has IIRC the old Gibson bridge spacing.

                    There will be more back and forth but in general, not counting Asian makes, you can expect to have only one of two spacings.


                    • #11
                      Re: Will These Fit My 59's?

                      Originally posted by GuitarDoc View Post
                      But then again, the seller DID put a ruler on the cover to show the spacing. To expect him to know if the covers fit a particular Duncan pup, or a specific Bare Knuckles pup, or a DiMarzio pup, or a hundred others is a bit much to ask of the seller.

                      I suppose you could also put a ruler on your pup to check the spacing. But maybe that's a bit too much to ask of the buyer these days.
                      Too much to ask. Yeah...why?
                      If you go to a tire think it'd be fine for them to say..."Here's a ruler go measure your wheel? I can't know if these tires fit every Honda...there are so many models. Then there are Toyotas and Chevys and Bears...oh my!"
                      Thanks for the p/a scolding, but I do all of those things...then I order...then I get a cover that's .2mm off (cuz the one in the picture is just that much off)...which...doesn't let the screw adjust. BTW...did you look a the picture with the ruler? With the distance we're discussing, that picture with the non-direct angle and the not being over the holes...pretty close to worthless.
                      You think it's too much to ask that the seller knows if the product being sold will fit the most common replacement PUP out there...okay...I don't agree. From the responses, the confusion seems clear. We could all be stupid and/or lazy I suppose...I don't see that, but if I'm stupid...I might not.
                      Last edited by jbear; 03-12-2014, 11:10 AM.

