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Double-screw pickups

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  • #16
    Re: Double-screw pickups

    Originally posted by CTN View Post
    hmm i dunno about hex screws vs slugs, haven't ever had the chance to compare them in any sort of A/B
    Try a FS against a C5. *whistles*

    The Holdsworth is a little fuller or maybe meatier than the JB. The comments about bloom can apply. On the plus side, there are twice as many screws to tweak to dial it in just right.

    Sent from my armored space station via iPad using Tapatalk


    • #17
      Re: Double-screw pickups

      Hi-to Edgecrusher,
      In my post I said MORE PULL, NOT LESS. The idea being that when it IS being magnetized, the magnetic field is more spread out along a longer screw pole. Cut some screw pole on the bottom and the manetism is stronger on the cut pole as the magnetic field has to go somewhere so there is more energy on the pole that is shortened.
      So I checked it twice. Cut pole-more pull, teeny bit louder, don't know if treble is increaed or not, thats all I meant. By the way, thanks for taking the time to read my post.
      Last edited by SJ318; 03-25-2014, 06:40 AM.


      • #18
        Re: Double-screw pickups

        Originally posted by Edgecrusher View Post
        Yes exactly they are in a magnetic field provided by the bar magnet underneath... How is less of something non magnetic dictating more force to drawn to one side or the other? Are the screws absorbing some of this force? You cant change the strength of the field but you can change its shape.
        Pickup poles ARE magnetic. They are temporary magnets any time they are placed in a strong enough magnetic field. If they weren't magnetic, they wouldn't do their job.

        I specifically said that the magnet puts out a set amount of force, and that the screws simply direct it this way or that. I never said that the screws add or take away from the bar magnet's force. They just determine how much of that force ends up directed where.

        It's a simple concept to understand. Think of it kind of like so. You have a finite amount of stuff. You are spreading it out in two opposite directions. There is only so much stuff, so only so much can go each way. If you switch to spreading it out in one direction instead of two, there is more of that stuff available to be spread that one direction.

        The way this works in a pickup is that the poles become temporary magnets when placed inside the field of the permanent bar magnet. Each side of each pole piece has opposite polarity to the other side; each side pulls opposite the other's, in other words. When you take away length from one side, it pulls less hard against the other side. This makes it easier for the other side to pull the field up toward the strings, so slightly more magnetism is sent up toward the strings.

        There's no question that sawing the screws theoretically changes the shape of the magnetic field, or that it increases magnetism on the string side. The question is really what, if any, tonal effect it has. Is the change enough to make a real audible difference, and if so, what is it?
        Last edited by ItsaBass; 03-26-2014, 03:05 PM.
        Originally posted by LesStrat
        Yogi Berra was correct.
        Originally posted by JOLLY
        I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.


        • #19
          Re: Double-screw pickups

          Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
          Try a FS against a C5. *whistles*

          The Holdsworth is a little fuller or maybe meatier than the JB. The comments about bloom can apply. On the plus side, there are twice as many screws to tweak to dial it in just right.

          Sent from my armored space station via iPad using Tapatalk
          I was aware they had the same 14.4k DC resistance and A5 mag, but are they really the same wind and everything?


          • #20
            Re: Double-screw pickups

            We just had a thread discussing this recently, here' what I wrote on it.

            Originally posted by King IzzO))) View Post
            Slug = slightly hotter, more midrange, more attack, stiffer, less low end.

            Screw = warmer, rounder, more subdued, more low end.

            This is in general terms with all things being equal otherwise.


            • #21
              Re: Double-screw pickups

              12-screw pickups are a secret weapon not taken advantage of nearly enough for the bridge position. That extra row of screws is like having a mid boost/cut built into the pickup. Raise the 2nd row (what would normally be the slug coil) and it boosts mids -- lower them and it cuts the mids. The original row is then your treble boost/cut.

              As for cutting the screws shorter, it will make the pickup a bit louder and give it more bite on the original row. Have not tried on the second row on a 12-screw but my guess is it will boost the mids/upper mids.
              Generic signature line.


              • #22
                Re: Double-screw pickups

                Originally posted by Zhangliqun View Post
                12-screw pickups are a secret weapon not taken advantage of nearly enough for the bridge position. That extra row of screws is like having a mid boost/cut built into the pickup. Raise the 2nd row (what would normally be the slug coil) and it boosts mids -- lower them and it cuts the mids. The original row is then your treble boost/cut.
                I'd say the same, but for the NECK position instead.

                It's like have a coil-mismatching tool without having to wire a spin-a-split.

                So, what about a 12-screw SET? Image the possibilities... tone AND flexibility.

                That's was actually the idea I was going to propose to the Forum before gotten set aside by the shredders that got birth to the Fuglybucker.

                But hey! What do *I* know, uh?

                David, you can take the idea, develop it and make it your own. You can call it the Pepebucker set. For basic specs, shoot me a PM, if you're interested.
                Last edited by LtKojak; 03-26-2014, 01:39 PM.


                • #23
                  Re: Double-screw pickups

                  Originally posted by Falloffthebonetone View Post
                  I was aware they had the same 14.4k DC resistance and A5 mag, but are they really the same wind and everything?
                  People aren't really interested in the obvious as much as they are in arguing over thinly-veiled dogma.

                  Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk


                  • #24
                    Re: Double-screw pickups

                    You weren't the only one that wanted double screw last time Pepe, in fact I'm pretty sure you weren't even the first to request it, and plenty of Dimarzio sets are double screw. It's not like this is some new concept that needs to be named after the almighty sharer of already implemented ideas.


                    • #25
                      Re: Double-screw pickups

                      This is all making me want to try a double-hex-bobbin Seth!
                      Originally posted by LesStrat
                      Yogi Berra was correct.
                      Originally posted by JOLLY
                      I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.


                      • #26
                        Re: Double-screw pickups

                        I've had specs for a SithBucker out there for many months. Many have said its be the perfect humbucker. But nobody wants to make it. I'd not even care about the pole pieces, as we've seen what happened when you tells the pros how to do their job instead of just submitting the goal and let them make it happen.

                        Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk


                        • #27
                          Re: Double-screw pickups

                          Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
                          I've had specs for a SithBucker out there for many months.
                          Great! Care to share the link where you talk about it?

                          Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
                          Many have said its be the perfect humbucker.
                          Care to share the link where people rave about it? I, for one, am interested and curious to hear about it.

                          Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
                          But nobody wants to make it.
                          Darn! Why not? Did you ever got an explanation for it?

                          Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
                          we've seen what happened when you tells the pros how to do their job instead of just submitting the goal and let them make it happen.
                          Ain't the the truth...

