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Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

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  • Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

    Hi everyone. You really helped me choosing a bridge humbucker for my Fender Pawn Shop 51 (alder body and maple neck/fingerboard), and i finally went with the 59/Custom Hybrid... it's really fantastic!

    Now, i'm going to buy a Chapman Guitars ML-2, an LP-shaped guitar with mahogany body, maple neck and ebony fingerboard. I would liket to replace the stock PUs, and i'm wondering about what to choose.

    First of all, i usually prefer AlNiCo to ceramics. I didn't like too much the ceramic Fender Enforcer bridge in my Fender 51, i wanted something warmer and less acid, and replaced it with the 59/Custom. But i have to say that Enforcer is a very very violent humbucker, someone says it's similar to SD Invader, in some ways. I don't know if a less violent ceramic PU, like, for example, the Custom, could be ok to my ears.
    What i want to play? OK, i need a couple of PU suitable for metal, but, first of all, great with blues, hard rock and classic rock.
    For the neck position, i have to say that i really love Petrucci's solo sounds, so DiMarzio's Liquifire would be my first choice. BTW, i'm not sure if it could work well with bluesy tones, too. So, i'm not sure about it. Looking to SD, i would prefer Jazz or PG to 59, but someone told me "go with Seth Lover for the neck!".
    For the bridge... i'm even more confused. OK, i don't want another 59/Custom, even if i like it very much. So what? JB? Custom? Custom 5? Custom Custom? And If i go with the Liquifire in the neck, which one could be a good match for the bridge?
    Thank you so much in advance to everyone who will share with me his point of view!

    Sorry for my poor english.
    In medio stat virtus.

  • #2
    Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

    Nothing wrong with trying the Liquifire in the neck, I'd had one and it's output is nothing crazy, It's a great pup.....

    I'd recommend trying the Distortion or even a DDN in the bridge, it pairs very well with LP types....


    • #3
      Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

      I've heard on YouTube that the Chapman Guitarnivore humbuckers are actually pretty good. In the Chapman ML-2 Special they put in a SH-1 Blues pair. How about a hotter Whole Lotta Humbucker set for blues to heavy rock with a distortion pedal for the metal songs? You may not find a pickup pair that covers the whole range well without some stomp box assistance..
      Well at least I'm not blue.


      • #4
        Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

        Yeah, i already have my OD pedal for pushing the gain into metal territory. It's just that some pups are not designed for highest gains, and become too muddy iwith heaveir distortions. I just would like to avoid it.
        Guitarnivore are not so bad, but it seems everyone change them after a while. Anyway, i would at least change the neck mag with AlNiCo, i really don't like ceramic in the neck.
        In medio stat virtus.


        • #5
          Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

          if you are doing metal, try a distortion or even a custom. The custom has a ceramic mag, but isnt as hard/harsh as some ceramics can be. And, if it doesnt twist your pasta, you can replace the magnet with an alnico 8 and have a custom8 which is fantastic pup
          Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

          Jol Dantzig


          • #6
            Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

            OK, thanx. In case i'll find a Custom 5, i can do the same operation, right?
            In medio stat virtus.


            • #7
              Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

              Originally posted by Carrlos Rivera View Post
              In case i'll find a Custom 5, i can do the same operation, right?
              yes, custom/custom custom/custom 5 are the same bobbins with different magnets, respectively; ceramic/A2/A5

              from what u play u cannot go wrong with a custom, besides it is the pickup that has featured all magnet types in this forum


              • #8
                Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

                Great! Just one last question: if you make a comparison between Custom, Custom 5 and Custom 8, what are the main differences and the pros and cons of each one? The AlNiCo 8 mag bar will give you the punch of a Custom and the richness in dynamics of the Custom 5?
                In medio stat virtus.


                • #9
                  Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

                  Originally posted by Carrlos Rivera View Post
                  Great! Just one last question: if you make a comparison between Custom, Custom 5 and Custom 8, what are the main differences and the pros and cons of each one? The AlNiCo 8 mag bar will give you the punch of a Custom and the richness in dynamics of the Custom 5?
                  Pretty much, yes.

                  First, Ill disclaimer that the Custom is very smooth for a ceramic mag pickup. Sometimes ceramics can be kinda harsh.

                  The diff in the custom models are: (Per my observation)

                  The Custom Custom (I know, its not on your short list, but Im tossing it in): The Custom Custom is smooth and has a Low midrange focus
                  Pro: can help fatten up a thin sounding guitar. Con: can be alittle too mid focused for some tastes. (mine.. haha)

                  The Custom 5 : Smooth but has a bigger bottom end and full high end. Almost sounds slightly scooped in the mids because of the big bottom and full highs.
                  Pro: Has a big tonal spectrum and covers alot of ground. Con: somepeople perceive it as being mid scooped cuz the highs and lows are boosted. In a guitar with a fat bottom end (like my explorer) it was alittle bottom heavy. (Sounds great in my strat tho)

                  The Custom: Has pretty full sound accross the range, but is more crisp and defined. Alittle more edgy if you will, but doesnt get harsh.
                  Pro: great tonal spread and great rock pickup. Powerful like you'd expect from a ceramic mag pup, but not harsh.
                  Con: Although not harsh or icepicky, can be alittle "edgy"

                  The Custom 8: Has the full sound across the range of the Custom, but is alittle warmer and I think more musical sounding. It has the power of the Custom, but is very expressive and pinch harmonics are a cinch. This is my personal favorite pickup. Have one in about 5 diff guitars.
                  Pro: Its perfect... haha Has the great tonal spread of the custom, nearly all the power, yet has a more vocal quality.

                  Cons: Havent really found any.. Some people dont care for it for some reason. (personal taste)
                  I really dont mean this to sound biased, but I have not really heard any specific negative about it, other than players say it isnt thier personal taste or they like X pickup better.
                  hope this helps
                  Last edited by BloodRose; 04-22-2014, 04:13 PM.
                  Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

                  Jol Dantzig


                  • #10
                    Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

                    "Hope this helps"? This definitely awsomely f***in' helps!!! I think that Custom 8 would be my definitive PU choice!
                    Just 3 last questions:
                    - Is the Alternative 8 a *completely different* pup, right?
                    - In case i'll have to go with a Custom or Custom 5 first, and thene eventually replace the mag, how "edgy" the Custom is? You say "a little". I think "a little" would be ok for a bridge pup you have to use for heavy rock riffs, but, compared with other famous pups such as JB or Invader or Dimarzio's S-Sonic or Crunch Lab or Bill Lawrence 500XL... how edgy is it?
                    - Is there somewhere i can directly buy a Custom 8? Does anyone from this forum sell it, even a used one?
                    - I know i said 3 last questions, but this is the bonus one... in case i have to buy an alnico 8 bar, do TB and SH use the same bars ore do they have different sizes?

                    Thank you very much.
                    Last edited by Carrlos Rivera; 04-24-2014, 04:47 PM.
                    In medio stat virtus.


                    • #11
                      Re: Which PUs for my new ML-2 (Les Paul shape)?

                      The Alternative 8 is a whole different beast.

