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Electronics guys - Is this a blend pot?

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  • #16
    Re: Electronics guys - Is this a blend pot?

    Originally posted by jon the art guy View Post
    I wish there were different names for them. The Esquire blend-in vs the jazz bass "blend" vs the tbx tone control....vs whichever other blend system out there.

    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
    Very good point. There should be different names (don't think I agree with the ones you came up with, however) for different types of blend pots.
    Originally Posted by IanBallard
    Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


    • #17
      Re: Electronics guys - Is this a blend pot?

      I would submit the confusion is coming from the difference between a blend pot and a blend circuit. In the former, an actual blend pot is a stacked pot with a center detent midway through the wiper travel that allows fading between two sources, blending them equally in the center position on the pot. The latter blend circuit is using a standard logarithmic (audio) taper pot (preferably a no-load type) to blend a second signal into a primary signal, according to that circuit design and nothing particularly unique in the characteristics of the pot itself. It's misleading to customers that a retailer actually advertises and sells an EP085 250K 0516 as a 'blend pot' when it could be used for a number of things depending on the circuit design.


      • #18
        Re: Electronics guys - Is this a blend pot?

        Originally posted by beaubrummels View Post
        I would submit the confusion is coming from the difference between a blend pot and a blend circuit. In the former, an actual blend pot is a stacked pot with a center detent midway through the wiper travel that allows fading between two sources, blending them equally in the center position on the pot. The latter blend circuit is using a standard logarithmic (audio) taper pot (preferably a no-load type) to blend a second signal into a primary signal, according to that circuit design and nothing particularly unique in the characteristics of the pot itself. It's misleading to customers that a retailer actually advertises and sells an EP085 250K 0516 as a 'blend pot' when it could be used for a number of things depending on the circuit design.
        Very well said. That's what I was trying to explain.
        Originally Posted by IanBallard
        Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.

