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SP90-2: source for alnico magets to swap in

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  • SP90-2: source for alnico magets to swap in

    Hi all- First post here...

    I own a one pickup Hamer special with a stock SP90-2. I've read other forum posts about swapping the ceramic magnets out for alnicos. I've read about both the A5/A5 swap and A4/A8 swap. Is there a discernable difference in sound between the two options?

    Trouble is, I need some alnicos to swap in. Can anyone recommend a source for a few magnets?


  • #2
    Re: SP90-2: source for alnico magets to swap in

    Most people here get theirs from Addiction-FX. Just Google it, it will come up. I am sure there is a difference in the sound. Can't tell you what....haven't messed with P-90s yet, but I am sure one of our local P-90 gurus will come by and answer that question for you.
    Welcome to the forum
    Where Words Fail, Music Speaks
    If a positive attitude is a Magnet for positive results, what type positive attitude sounds best, A2, A5, UOA5, A8, C8, or?


    • #3
      Re: SP90-2: source for alnico magets to swap in

      I've got an SP90-2 set and an SP90-3 set. I took out the ceramics (which is pretty weird for P-90's) and put in alnicos. Much better.

      A5/A5 sounds best in the neck slot, but can be boomy in warm, mahogany guitars. In the bridge, an A5/A5 is bright and thin, and if you EQ the amp for it, the neck P-90 will probably be too dark and muffled. I really like an A8/A4 or A8/A5 pair in a bridge P-90, and also use UOA5/UOA5 and A4/A4. These fill in the mids & shave off excess treble. In the neck, I like an A5/A4, A5/A3, or A5/A5.
      "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
      "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
      "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


      • #4
        Re: SP90-2: source for alnico magets to swap in

        J E C and blueman335: Thanks very much for the comments and lead to Addiction-Fx! I had a look at the site and there are size and polished/unpolished options. What size and type of magnets do I need?

        thanks again


        • #5
          Re: SP90-2: source for alnico magets to swap in

          The size is 2.5" x .5" x .125 (1/8)".

          They all come either polished or rough cast, but...

          A2 usually comes rough cast,
          A3 usually comes polished,
          A4 usually comes polished,
          A5 usually comes polished (you can get it unpolished/rough cast or unoriented (UOA5)),
          A8 usually comes rough cast.

          Polished mags have a more defined attack. Rough cast have a smoother less harsh sound. The differences are subtle.
          Originally Posted by IanBallard
          Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


          • #6
            Re: SP90-2: source for alnico magets to swap in

            Question Rick - why didn't you just get the SP-1 set? It would seem more what you are about in the first place.

            Just wondering….

            I personally LOVE the SP-3 - But I realize why people may not. I run an SP-1 Bridge in the neck and a SP-3 Neck in the Bridge of my P-90 Les Paul Studio. Goes from classy uptown jazz/blues, to full on RAWK. Definitely more of a range than you would dig, but again, I like that.
            Originally posted by Bad City
            He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


            • #7
              Re: SP90-2: source for alnico magets to swap in

              Originally posted by Aceman View Post
              Question Rick - why didn't you just get the SP-1 set? It would seem more what you are about in the first place.
              Actually, I have some SP90-1, SP90-2, and SP90-3; all bought when I ran across deals on them. I'm just not a ceramic fan; the rest I like about SP90-2's and SP90-3's. I keep a stash of spare alnicos so I'm always prepared if I think a PU might sound better with a different mag. Only takes a few minutes to find out. BTW, I changed mags in the bridge SP-90-1 to add midrange.
              "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
              "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
              "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


              • #8
                Re: SP90-2: source for alnico magets to swap in

                What did you do (if anything) to the SP-1? And how did it impact the pickup?
                Originally posted by Bad City
                He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...

