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498T vs '59/Custom hybrid

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  • 498T vs '59/Custom hybrid

    for my LP custom (currently stock w/ 498t)

    things I like:
    -Like the mid/high output without being too overly hot
    -bottom end is tight and clear

    things I don't like:
    -Very ice picky and shrill in the high mids and highs
    -lacks character and body in the mids and lows

    Considering the '59/custom hybrid, but not sure if it'll be enough of a difference compared to the 498t. Looking for something to fatten up the mids and shave off some of the highs, but still be tight in the bottom and keep the overall crunch and bite. Thinking about keeping the 300k pot in the bridge

    Im up to other suggestions too, not just duncan. Thinking about dimarzio's too (no current experience with them)
    2015 Knaggs Steve Stevens SSC T2
    Majik Box Doug Aldrich "Rocket Fuel"
    Majik Box Filthy Lucre

  • #2
    Re: 498T vs '59/Custom hybrid

    been looking at the WLH set as well
    2015 Knaggs Steve Stevens SSC T2
    Majik Box Doug Aldrich "Rocket Fuel"
    Majik Box Filthy Lucre


    • #3
      Re: 498T vs '59/Custom hybrid

      You probably don't need a new PU. I put an A8 and UOA5 in my 498T's, which gave them more mids and more character, and reduced some treble. The stock A5 magnets in 498T's aren't neccesarily the best possible choice.
      "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
      "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
      "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."

