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SSL-5 or SSL-6 in my Jackson DK-2???

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  • SSL-5 or SSL-6 in my Jackson DK-2???

    Guys i am replacing the Duncan Designed SC101's in my Jackson DK-2. I want the Duncan Custom SC in the mid and neck position.I guess the best choice is to put the SSL-6 in with flat pole pieces? Am i right? What would the result be with staggerd pole pieces (SSL-5)? To loud G and D string and unbalanced sound? I would go for the SSL-6, but they seem to be hard to find over here (need a normal one and a RW/RP one).The SSL-5 however is in stock, i am wondering if it would make a big difference if i put the staggered ones in, instead of the flat ones. Can somebody give me some advice? Thanks in advance for any replies!
    "You can buy muscles (steroïds), but you can't buy "cojones". (quoted: Bas Rutten)

  • #2
    Re: SSL-5 or SSL-6 in my Jackson DK-2???

    will it make a big difference, no, but it will make a difference, staggered pole pieces sound a little more stratty to some people. i use flat pole on most things, just preferance, one isnt better than the others.
    if they have both instock, get em. if you have to order one, might as well order them both.

