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Pickups to compliment SH15 and/or SH6?

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  • Pickups to compliment SH15 and/or SH6?


    Hey, All. First time post...

    I have a pair of Yamaha "tele" guitars -- alder body/maple neck/humbuckers.
    Changed the pickups: one has a Distortion set, the other has an Alternative-8 bridge/Jazz neck combo.

    Just recently acquired ANOTHER of these guitars, same construction, older model.
    Going to swap out the stocks as I'm looking to find a similar-yet-different set to compliment the Distortion (ceramic).
    Really, I'd like to find something that would compliment the Alternative-8 (AlNiCo-VIII) sound, but it appears to be a different animal.

    Might change it up eventually, but my guitars are currently tuned C-c (not "drop").
    I play whatever comes out, which tends to be heavy, although I DO fall off of the wagon occasionally.

    I would prefer to stay with a passive system.


    Cheers, All!

  • #2
    Re: Pickups to compliment SH15 and/or SH6?

    I'd recommend the Sentient/Nazgul set. That set sounds great for heavy stuff, and stays nice and tight for lower tunings. The Sentient is fantastic for cleans, kind of like a blend of the '59 and Jazz.

    You might look into the Black Winter set also. They will be a bit brighter, and can get a little more saturated sounding compared to the Nazgul. Cleans aren't quite as good compared to the Sentient in the neck.


    • #3
      Re: Pickups to compliment SH15 and/or SH6?

      I've got an DistortionA4n/Alt8 set in an agathis Ibanez. Heavy but very nice clean.


      • #4
        Re: Pickups to compliment SH15 and/or SH6?

        What about the SH15 sound, unless those you mentioned would be comparable?


        • #5
          Re: Pickups to compliment SH15 and/or SH6?

          Winter in the bridge, Sentient in the neck ... perhaps?

