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Has anyone tried a Custom 8, Alternative 8 Hybrid?

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  • Has anyone tried a Custom 8, Alternative 8 Hybrid?

    Just curious if anyone has tried this. It seems like it would be a good candidate for making a hybrid.

  • #2
    Re: Has anyone tried a Custom 8, Alternative 8 Hybrid?

    Hybrids are always good unless you do something silly like a Seth Lover Slug.


    • #3
      Just following up to see if anyone has given this a shot yet. I’ve got an Alt 8 in an HH Tele right now and am thinking about making a hybrid out of it, but I don’t want to spring for another Custom to mangle if it’s not a good match.


      • #4
        Remind me what that is? 1 Custom coil and what was the Alternative 8 normally? A Distortion? or JB? So this would be a Custom/JB hybrid with an A8?


        • #5
          The Alternative 8 is actually a production pickup (TB-15). It’s the only production humbucker Duncan makes that comes stock with an A8. It’s a cool pickup, but it’s a little high in output and with a bit more top end fizz/sizzle than I want, a least in this guitar. I thought the Custom coil might cool it down and even out the sizzle a bit, though the mismatched coils might end up letting more high end through.


          • #6
            TB-5 & TB-15 are similar in some ways, and different in others. Custom 8 has a bit less treble bite, but Alt-8's upper mids come across as a bit less dominant to some ears. A blend ought to wind up with a bit of both, but with an airier feel, rather than a focused present bite. Though sometimes hybrids surprise, and it could wind up favoring the hotter & brighter Alt-8 coil, in which case I'd probably try A6 or Unoriented A5 next, though the last isn't likely to wind up where you were aiming, it might be a very interesting pickup for Custom UOA5 fans...

            I don't think I've heard anyone talk about doing one. I'm very curious, please let us know how it turns out if you try it!

