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Best P90s for a Tele.

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  • Best P90s for a Tele.

    I'm making an HHx Tele and was wondering what the best soapbar P90s for the middle and bridge positions would be. I'm completely fine with mag swaps, in fact I prefer them because the moment you plug into the amp you are already further from a cliche tone.

    For the bridge I want something that sounds more like a modernized George Thorogood and the Destroyers tone.

    For the middle I'm looking for something that could be mistaken for a thick bridge pickup to the untrained ear. For reference, I liked Clints middle pickup tone on the recording he posted recently for his rear routed Strat, but I want more of a P90 vibe to it.

    Thanks for any help, I look forward to hearing your ideas.

  • #2
    Re: Best P90s for a Tele.

    Originally posted by '59 View Post
    I'm completely fine with mag swaps, in fact I prefer them because the moment you plug into the amp you are already further from a cliche tone.

    If noone else is gonna post, I'll chime in even though I don't have P90 experience except for my Phat Cats. If you're gonna pick some Duncans, I would recommend just choosing the output you want. I noticed in the middle, 8k still sounds vintage and open and in the 9k range it starts to sound thicker. So for example you could put the Vintage P90 bridge in the middle at 9.7k and the Hot P90 neck in the bridge at 12k. Then get some good mixed mags in there of your preference. (No ceramic!)
    Last edited by Clint 55; 09-20-2019, 12:13 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Best P90s for a Tele.

      if it was me and i was doing a high output p90 tele id put a hot bridge in the bridge and swap the magnets to a5 and put a vintage bridge in the middle with stock magnets


      • #4
        Re: Best P90s for a Tele.

        I was thinking about starting out with whatever comes stock in each pickup. How does the Custom P90 compare to the Vintage and Hot models?

        Also, what are some common magnet choices for each position? I hear A4/A8 is pretty common in the bridge. Does the location of each magnet relative to the strings make a difference?


        • #5
          Re: Best P90s for a Tele.

          You can narrow down your mag choices by deciding on oriented, unoriented or mixed. Oriented are kind of slicker, less jangley, and modern, and all have a round defined bass. Unoriented are soft around the edges, more vintage, jangley and airy. I prefer oriented although I do like A2 and A3. I can't stand A4 because it removes all the lushness from the pup and sounds flat and dry. Although many like it. I went with A5/A6 mid and A6/A8 bridge and I love it.


          • #6
            Re: Best P90s for a Tele.

            I might have to try the 5/6 and 6/8 combo. What P90s do you think would sound closest to the Phat Cats, discounting the effects of the magnets? I like the Phat Cats and the effects that magnet swapping has on their tone, but i'm looking for a P90 footprint.


            • #7
              Re: Best P90s for a Tele.

              Originally posted by '59 View Post
              I was thinking about starting out with whatever comes stock in each pickup. How does the Custom P90 compare to the Vintage and Hot models?
              Custom and Hot bridge models are too compressed for me. I used Custom neck in the bridge (still sounds compressed to me for P-90), then Hot neck in the bridge (I start feel both the raunchiness and dynamic. I like it actually), and now Vintage neck in the bridge (at least for my application now). I'd suggest Hot neck in the bridge and Vintage neck in the middle.

