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Pickup Suggestions For SG200

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  • Pickup Suggestions For SG200

    I'm looking to replace the stock bridge PU in my Yamaha SBG200. From what I've read this is a mahogony bodied guitar, though you would never think so from hearing it. Instead of the lowmids and mids centered sound typically associated with maghongy, this guitar seems to be centered in the mids with an upper mid peak and a bit too much treble and a noticeble lack of low end.

    I'm looking for a reasonably high output PU to drive the front end of my JMP 2204, though nothing extreme. In terms of EQ, I'd like a PU that will fill in the missing low end, accentuate low and mid mids, and roll off the highs a bit without sounding muddy or losing too much articulation (I realise I'll have to compromise here).

    Any suggestions?

    Also: Pickups I've read about and dismissed and the reasons why:

    JB: Lack of low end a uppermids peak.
    SH-5 Custom: Seems like what I'd want, but have read about it having a shrill top end, which is definatly something I want to avoid.
    Custom-5: I play in a band and need prominate mids to cut through.
    Last edited by Benji2204; 04-13-2005, 05:57 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Pickup Suggestions For SG200

    The Custom Custom would fit the bill perfectly except for one thing: The Lows aren't very tight. It has rolled off highs, lots of mids and low mids, and enough presence to cut through (when used in a bright guitar).

    The Custom 5 has the low end you need, I think, but the mids aren't as prominent as on the CC and the highs can get a bit shrill IMO ( I tried it in my Carvin).

    Maybe a CC with an Alnico III or IV magnet would be what you're looking for; something between a CC and a C5.
    Ain't nothin' but a G thang, baby.


    • #3
      Re: Pickup Suggestions For SG200

      have the same issue as i cant decide which pickup to put on a similar toned mahogony body wahburn wi64 lacks bass and is mid and very trebly.
      i too want a bassy and tight sound for high output,high gain aplications.
      considered dimarzio Breed,BBQ,and custom custom.
      still having alota trouble deciding
      duncans,gota love em


      • #4
        Re: Pickup Suggestions For SG200

        I think I'd still recommend a JB for it. It may be that the pickups that are in it now are just really top end dominant. You could also consider an Invader. That'll give you some more bottom end to go with the top.


        • #5
          Re: Pickup Suggestions For SG200

          I think I like Benjy26's suggestion the best so far.... Does anyone have any experience with a custom and an A3 or A4 magnet? As the bass increases with magnet grade do the mids falloff (like on the Custom 5)? Another option I thought of is to get a SH-5 and an EQ pedal (want one anyway) and rolloff the high end myself.

          One last idea I've come across while searching these boards, is to get a Screamin Demon and replace the hex screws with slot heads to tone down the treble. Does this make a big difference? Also, how's the bass response of the Demon?

          Thanks for the replies!
          Last edited by Benji2204; 04-14-2005, 01:36 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Pickup Suggestions For SG200

            Hey bro...I have a Yamaha SG2000, which ialways liked but was much brighter that all my other 2 bucker guitars. I tried tons of sifferent pickups in her until I got an Alnico II Pro neck, and a CC in the bridge. Do yourself a favor...get a CC and either an Alnico II Pro or a PGn, 4 new 500k pots, switch, and caps and redo the entire will thank me in the morning! If you do a search on this forum for SG 2000 you will find a few of my post's on mine, and the pickups in it now (CC/AIIPro) me it's killer set up. If you have anyquestions feel free to PM me!

            If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!

