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Pickups for jackson PS2

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  • Pickups for jackson PS2

    hey posted about week ago, but didnt get to many responses. Thought Id try again. need pickup suggestions for Jackon S/S/H configuration. Have Epi LP with 59n JBb and would like to my jackson to have the tones that the LP doesnt. Will be playing through TSL60 and play mainly Rock, very rarely metal. Hoping for pickups that could get Mcready, Satriani, Chilli peppers, greenday, metallica and maybe SRV tones. Though realise prob unlikely to have one guitar to do it all. SO eventually will get a strat. So till then... After nice cleans, and defined not muddy overdrive/distortion. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks lads.
    Last edited by drjones; 04-18-2005, 06:35 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Pickups for jackson PS2

    I think many people will agree to the JB/hotRails/coolrails combo


    • #3
      Re: Pickups for jackson PS2

      if you already have a jb in the bridge of the epi i might try something else. i might try a pearly gates bridge, a little less output than the jb but more growl.
      do you want humcancelling for the single coils?


      • #4
        Re: Pickups for jackson PS2

        would prefer hum cancelling in at least the neck pickup. Was thinking that cool rails would do the trick, quarter pounder in middle and custom in bridge?


        • #5
          Re: Pickups for jackson PS2

          Custom might not be such a bad choice for the bridge, but it's got fairly high output IIRC. PG sounds like a good option but again, I don't know how much gain it would give you, or how clear it would be. Since you're using a tube TSL60 I'm assuming you're set though lol
          • EBMM JPX BFR (Crunch Lab/Liquifire)
          • Schecter C-1 Classic (Custom8/Jazz)
          • Mayones Duvell 7 Standard (Instrumental SFTY-3/Decomp)
          • G&L Tribute Comanche
          • Godin Stadium 59 (Custom Cajun/'59)
          • Horizon Precision Drive --> Fulltone FB3/FD 2 --> Crybaby From Hell (Fasel) --> Boss BF-2 --> CH-1 --> TC Flashback X4
          • Mesa/Boogie Mark IV-B (SED =C= 6L6) + EarCandy BuzzBomb 2x12 (V30/C90)


          • #6
            Re: Pickups for jackson PS2

            My amp is pretty good dirty and clean. But stock pickups in jackson are just weak. From what I've read the custom is similar to JB but slightly more bass? JB is tops in my LP but thought it may be too bright in the Jackson.


            • #7
              Re: Pickups for jackson PS2

              Originally posted by drjones
              My amp is pretty good dirty and clean. But stock pickups in jackson are just weak. From what I've read the custom is similar to JB but slightly more bass? JB is tops in my LP but thought it may be too bright in the Jackson.
              Perhaps a DiMarzio Fred for the bridge. It'll get you glose to the Satch sound and it splits well, so combined with a good single in the middle, you could get closer the the SRV Tones. I'm not too good with Duncan singles, but a mid-output single would be good. Perhaps a Custom staggered to keep the Vintage vibe...

              CoolRails neck would be a work well also when split with a single and keep your neck tone more "Classic"

              My $0.02!


