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Les Paul research continues. PICKUPS?!?!

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  • Les Paul research continues. PICKUPS?!?!

    Hey guys!!

    So I'm still learning about the various Les Paul offerings and have tried out a bunch of them to see what I like. The other day I was playing through a JCM2000 TSL and I tried some Studios, Standards, and Classics along with some Epiphones. Each time I do the rounds I find myself gravitating towards the Classic. I did some research to find why this is and it must be the 60s neck profile, which doesn't suprise me since I'm such a strat or ibanez guy, and the pickups. Everything else had the 496/490 combo(I think) and the Classic had the 500t and whatever in the neck.

    I REALLY liked the tone of the Classic. I was getting pretty good jazz tones with the tone knob wide open. Warm but defined...even a little glassy. The others I tried lacked the luster that was making the Classic work for me. The bridge position under high gain was just plain kick ass. I was eaily grabbing harmonics and was getting some bad ass rock tone. Obviously the Marshall had a lot to do with this. I was not able to get such wailing tone and easy harmonics out of any of the other guitars.

    So after doing all this, and being a total Les Paul neophyte, I came to the good ole' Duncan forum to see what everyone thinks of these pups. Well, as you probably know, everyone seems to hate them! Since my experience is so limited with these guitars, I just want to hear some chatting about what sucks about the Classics pups, and maybe why you think I liked them in limited, unscientific testing, and maybe some ideas as how I could retain what I liked about the tone of these guitars with something better, namely Duncans.

    I'm also still totally into suggestions regarding the various LP offerings and am still sorta considering going the "Hot Rod an Epiphone" route. I'll tell ya one thing, I've been ignoring and even kinda bashing the LP and Gibson in general for a looooooooooooong time but for some reason I'm finally getting it! I want an LP sooooooo bad now. I did the same thing with Hendrix and SRV when I was a kid(ya know, 16 year old shred obsessed jazz snob), so I guess I'm just a slow dumbass!


    Last edited by MDS; 06-20-2005, 05:14 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Les Paul research continues. PICKUPS?!?!

    I had a honeyburst Classic that got some truly amazing jazz tones with the stock ceramic neck pu (496R). A really good piece of wood and I wish I could have kept it.

    As for what pickups to get for a Les Paul, it varies with the individual Les Paul. But it sounds like you like the higher output pickups so at least you have a start there.
    Generic signature line.


    • #3
      Re: Les Paul research continues. PICKUPS?!?!

      It sounds like you really liked the Classic. If it feels good to play and it sounds good and you like it then go for it! I wouldn't worry about the pickups too much at this stage. If you like them that's great. If in six months time you don't like them as much as you did there are plenty of other options. If the guitar feels right, sounds good unplugged, and looks good to you, then buy it. Pickups, pots and caps are relatively easy to change later if you want to. My '91 Classic is a great guitar, though it had already parted company with its stock pickups by the time I got it.


      • #4
        Re: Les Paul research continues. PICKUPS?!?!

        Opinions on pickups are like noses...everyone has one. The most important thing regarding the guitar is that it speaks to you, that it feels good in your hands, and sounds good acoustically. Beyond that, too many other factors come into play with regard to tone.

        The ceramic pickups in the Classics are generally not liked very well, but again, that's personal preference. As Simon suggested, buy the guitar that plays and feels best to you...regardless of what pickups are in it. You can completely gut the electronics and replace everything for a little over $200, so those components are the least important in your decision to buy. Your own amp and pedals will also have a lot to do with what you ultimately do pickup wise.

        Les Pauls are great instruments, and while Epiphone's can be fine, solid instruments...they are not on par with Gibson, especially tonewise. My recommendation is to buy the best guitar you can afford.

        Good luck
        My Sound Clips


        • #5
          Re: Les Paul research continues. PICKUPS?!?!

          Personally, I like the 500T pups, but they are just a little too hot in my LP for what we are doing now,(2 guitar band) but I have it safely tucked away, ready for the next time I need 'em, or if the other guitar player quits, and we go back to a single guitar player.
          I still have 'em in my Explorer, and when I play that guitar, it speaks LOUDLY!
          " Rock and Roll IS a contact sport!"

