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APH-2s Bridge EMI cancelling test

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  • APH-2s Bridge EMI cancelling test

    Hello, I was hoping some one could give me some insight into a problem. I have two SD pickups. Both bridge models. The APH-2 and the Black Winter. The APH-2 picks up massive noise when orienting the guitar in certain directions. The black winter is much, much quieter. Even the cheap ESP designed neck pickup is substantially quieter. Again, the noise seems to be induced EMI while the guitar is oriented in certain directions and a almost complete "null" in a "sweet" spot. But my other humbucker pickups do not exhibit the induced noise at the same extreme level.

    I do play extremely high gain. But again, the Black Winter does not have this noise issue nor the cheap ESP designed stock pickup. Ive tested ground and all the wiring. Tone seems good. Just noisy.

    So I have some questions I hope some one can answer that may help lead me to the culprit.

    1-is it possible since the APH-2 is a quieter output pickup that the signal to noise ratio is effecting this?
    2- is the APH-2 relatively noisier pickup?
    3- is there something I can test within the APH-2 that would tell me if the pickup is defective in its noise cancelling properties?

    thank you,

  • #2
    This can be one of those really difficult problems to resolve. And, you have two different things going on:

    1. As far as orientation goes, your body can be a good shield against stray electrical signals. These can include motors, compressors, florescent lights, neon lights, and especially older dimmers like in some night clubs. So, the next time this happens, find the quietest position, and then see if you can identify something behind you that may cause this.

    2. That, of course, doesn't help the problem. Humbuckers are really engineered more to suppress hum, (50 - 60 cycle), than they are RF or EMI. It wouldn't take much of a coil DCR mismatch to exacerbate the problem. This may come down to something as simple as having to change that pickup for high-noise environments.

    Hopefully, someone with a little more RF/EMI experience may be able to suggest a proper size cap across the humbucker to squash the interference.


    • #3
      Artie hit it. Humbuckers suppress hum that's in the line, not interference which is directional. Coils by nature are omnidirectional antennae. Why the BW is quieter, my guess would be your #1 supposition: that it's output is higher so it's signal to noise ratio is greater.


      • #4
        thank you! Good start. Cap across the pup.


        • #5
          Alnico is noisier than ceramic, and the Black Winters have 3 ceramic magnets for an extremely focused magnetic field with a tight return path.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ultra-Gain View Post
            thank you! Good start. Cap across the pup.
            If you experiment with some, start with very small values. Like picofarad range. A ferrite bead around the wires might help. As I said, I know just enough about RF/EMI to be dangerous.


            • #7
              Originally posted by frankfalbo View Post
              Alnico is noisier than ceramic, and the Black Winters have 3 ceramic magnets for an extremely focused magnetic field with a tight return path.
              Good info. I never knew. Thank you.

