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Wire poking through pickup tape (Hyperion Humbucker)

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  • Wire poking through pickup tape (Hyperion Humbucker)


    I just received my new Ibanez AZ242PBG-CKB with 2x Seymour Duncan Hyperion Humbucker.

    Sadly I spotted a wire poking through the tape of the neck pickup (see attachment). Is this a production error or more of a common thing? Should I be worried? Could it be fixed easily without disassembling or should I return the guitar? I am concerned that if I want to sell it in the future, there will be discussions with potential buyers about the pickup.

    And just out of interest: What is the open wire for? It doesn't seem to be connected on that side.

    Thank you very much in advance! I'm new to guitars and just worried...

    Attached Files

  • #2
    hard to say what it is but it isnt a piece of the coil wire, wrong color and way too big.could it just be a little thread of the cloth tape or is it metal for sure? since its not coil wire, i wouldnt worry about it


    • #3
      Originally posted by jeremy View Post
      could it just be a little thread of the cloth tape or is it metal for sure?
      It is a wire (copper?) for sure. If I put a finger on the tape on that position and try to move it to the left, I can clearly feel how the wire pricks against my fingertip.


      • #4
        could be the series link between the coils? again, hard to say without being able to look at the pup


        • #5
          Originally posted by jeremy View Post
          could be the series link between the coils?
          Then I would have a huge problem with one end poking through the tape (if it should be connected there instead)? The only case for which I could think of an open end makes sense is if it would be some kind of shielding wire grounded on the other side. Maybe someone here in the forum knows details about how it should be...


          • #6
            missed the part where its loose on one side but i see what you are talking about now. if the coil is wrapped in copper tape then there would be a wire connecting them for shielding. i know a fair amount about pups but not the hyperion in particular.


            • #7
              yes the wire between the copper tape
              Attached Files


              • #8
                there ya go!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ToneFiddler View Post
                  yes the wire between the copper tape
                  Thank you so much!!!

                  I can confirm, the wire is connected to the copper tape even on my guitar (see attachment). The wire just seems to be a bit too long (after the solder joint), poking through the black tape. So the issue is just a cosmetic thing.

                  I'm now able to fully enjoy my new guitar knowing that it's alright. You saved my weekend!

                  And thanks to jeremy too!!
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Well, more does it sound?
                    Administrator of the SDUGF

