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Wiring for LP with Phat Cat (n) SH11 (b) - coil split bridge, push/pull phase?

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  • Wiring for LP with Phat Cat (n) SH11 (b) - coil split bridge, push/pull phase?

    Hoping someone can help, I trying to work out a wiring diagram for a LP (so 2V, 2T) with a (2 lead) humbucker sized P90 in the neck and a (4 lead) Humbucker in the Bridge.

    I want to be able to coil split the humbucker (preferably with the bridge tone push/pull) and switch the pickups out of phase (thinking bridge volume push/pull).

    I want to use the bridge controls so that if I put a (4 lead) humbucker in the neck at a later date I can coil split the neck pickup using the neck tone, and leave the neck volume for something else (eg series/parallel). I may decide to keep the P90 in the neck so possibly I could use one of the neck controls for reversing the phase if needed, but I would prefer to keep in to the bridge controls if possible.

    I've also been reading about using 50s wiring for the neck pickup (modern on the bridge) but not sure. I normally play with the tone down on the neck and understand this would result in a lower volume? I often play in middle position so I think it may be best to leave both as modern? Not a major point as it looks easy enough to change this later but any thoughts are welcome...

    This is the first time I have looked at rewiring so all help is appreciated!

  • #2
    Phat Cat necks have been pretty warm for me. I used brighter magnets to get some high end. '50's wiring would work too. Definitely a candidate for a treble bleed with modern wiring, like the Kinman mod.
    "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
    "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
    "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."

