So I got a set of fender V mod Hb's which are coil tapped vs coil split, so if wired in parallel are they just two mismatched coils in parallel? do you just wire it the same as a regular 4 conductor HB?
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coil tapped HB in parallel
I am a little confused on your description. I know some companies (nd people) use the terms 'split' and 'tapped' interchangeably, but they aren't the same. So they can be split and then wired in parallel with each other?Administrator of the SDUGF
they are actually tapped, so in the middle of one coil it is tapped, I know the difference or I think I do, so instead of split part of one coil is added to the other when split so maybe I am answering my own question so is a coil tap actually parallel but only part of one coil added to the other and split is only one coil?
My understanding of coil tapped, not coil split, pickups us that there is a third wire "tapping" the output somewhere near mid-way along the one, single coil, so you kind of have three (not four) wires: cold or ground, medium, and hot.
For a wiring diagram try or ir post up what you want to achieve here:- how many pickups total
- What each of them are
- Where each of them are
- Selector switch type
- Number of volumes, number of tones,
- Whether you want auto-tapping or are okay with push-pulls, etc.
PS simplest way I can think of right now is to use a push-pull or DPDT switch.
The wire to the selector switch goes to the middle lug on the push pull or DPDT,, "Medium" wire goes to lug 1 or lug 3, "hot" goes to the other one. Wired with the "hot" nearest the pot, you'll get push = full coil, pull = tapped coil. Flip the inputs from the pickup and you'll get the opposite.
Originally posted by htwheelz67 View PostSo I got a set of fender V mod Hb's which are coil tapped vs coil split, so if wired in parallel are they just two mismatched coils in parallel? do you just wire it the same as a regular 4 conductor HB?
These humbuckers sound very unusual, as my understanding from prior reading, is that only singlecoil pickups come with a coiltap option. Therefore I suspect that Fender mislabeled their description for what these pups do: they probably coil split, not coil tap. Gibson is infamous for describing their humbuckers as having a coiltap feature when really what they do is coilsplit. Long story short, sometimes even the manufacturers get the terminology wrong in their product descriptions.Sanford: "The hardest part about tone chasing is losing the expectations associated with the hardware."
as people have said, coil tapped is a only using part of the whole coil. pretty rare on humbuckers but totally possible. parallel vs series are ways of connecting two coils, you can still have a tapped coil in series with the other coil. you could also wire them in parallel but it might get a little tricky, depends on where the tap is. if you wire it in parallel, you would indeed have two mismatched coils in parallel when the pup was tapped
^As people have eluded, the devil is in the detail.
If you just want to swap it in for another humbucker, however, just do a straight swap, don't worry about coil splits or coil taps. Just wire hot where the old hot went, ground where the old ground went, tape off the end of the left over wire. Hopefully the other pickups will be the same phase, and you're golden. If not, and the sound is thin or wheezey in parallel with another pickup, reverse the wires on one, or the other, but not both.
If you want a basic coil tap, as I said above, the easiest way is with a push-pull (or push-push) pot or a separate DPDT mini switch. Whichever you use, select one bank of three connections on the switch part.
The wire to the switch or volume pot (copy your original wiring here) goes to the middle terminal.
The "hot" (full coil) wire from the pickup goes to the terminal nearest the pot part of a push-pull or push-push, either outer terminal on a separate DPDT switch.
The "warm" (coil tap) wire goes to the terminal nearest the shaft end.
This gives you push = full coil, pull = coil tap.
If you want the reverse, reverse the outer two connections on the push-pull or push-push.
If you're wanting something complicated, like auto tapping in P2 or P4 on a strat type, we need more details.
I'm not sure parallel coils is really a viable option (tonewise) for a humbucker that's tapped partway through one coil.
Normally one has two coils of opposite polarity in parallel.
In this case conventional parallel wiring would put part of one coil parallel to the rest of itself but with the same polarity.
I think the only way to know whether it'll sound good is to wire it up that way and try it out.
Unless somebody here has done it?
As has been said, humbuckers with an actual tap for partially-split tones are quite uncommon but they do exist.
You could reach out to winders who've made tapped humbuckers. Zhangbucker offers them.
I have a Slugbucker with his "splat" option. Never tried it in parallel - it's absolutely great just as it is.
Don't know if David (Zhangbucker) ever tried out parallel wiring for one.
The thing is, the whole point of a tapped-coil hum is to lose less output and retain some hum rejection when split.
These are the same reasons players would opt for parallel wiring instead of splitting.
And with a tapped coil I believe you wouldn't be getting full noise rejection in parallel either.
Seems to me that to get the best parallel for a humbucker like this, you'd need to figure an alternate wiring which puts the larger section of the tapped coil in parallel with the untapped one, omitting the smaller section of the tapped coil (only when in parallel mode, of course).
OP, what's the objective here - are you concerned the split tone will be too singlecoily and you're looking for something smoother?
Or is it that the guitar's already set up for parallel and you're trying to make it work without rewiring?
IMO the best way to deploy a hum this is with standard split wiring.
As I said, mine works great that way.
Last edited by eclecticsynergy; 07-31-2021, 03:37 PM..
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